Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare: Caring for Your Furry Friends in Texas


Are you concerned about the welfare of animals in your community? Look no further than Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare for solutions to your animal-related issues.

Did you know that in 2020, Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare took in over 10,000 animals? That's a staggering amount, but they were able to provide necessary care and shelter for each and every one.

If you're looking to adopt a furry friend, Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare is the perfect place to start. Not only do they have adoptable dogs and cats, but also rabbits, hamsters, and other small animals.

Do you have a stray animal in your neighborhood? Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare has a program called Trap-Neuter-Return, which helps control the population of feral cats while also ensuring they receive proper medical care.

Have you found a lost pet? Bring them to Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare, where they will scan for microchips and use social media to help reunite the pet with its owner.

Are you worried about the cost of spaying or neutering your pet? Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare offers low-cost services to the Amarillo community. Plus, spaying or neutering your pet can lead to a longer, healthier life for them.

Have you witnessed animal cruelty or neglect? Contact Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare's 24/7 hotline to report any concerns. They take all reports seriously and investigate each case thoroughly.

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare also has educational programs for children and adults. Learn about pet care, safety, and responsible ownership to help keep your furry friends happy and healthy.

The staff at Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare are dedicated, compassionate individuals who truly care about the animals in their care. They work tirelessly to ensure that every animal receives the best possible care.

If you care about animals, it's important to support your local animal shelter. By adopting, volunteering, or donating to Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare, you're not only helping individual animals, but also making a positive impact on your community as a whole.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a place to adopt a pet, report cruelty or neglect, or receive low-cost spay/neuter services, look no further than Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare. Their dedication to animal welfare is unmatched, and they are a valuable resource for the Amarillo community.

Amarillo Animal Management And Welfare

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare (AAMW) is an essential organization that protects and cares for Amarillo's animal population. AAMW provides a wide range of services, including animal control, cruelty investigations, sheltering, adoptions, and educating the public about responsible pet ownership.

Animal Control

AAMW operates the city's animal control program, which is tasked with enforcing city ordinances relating to animals. This includes responding to calls for service about loose animals, animal bites, animal nuisances, and injured animals. Animal control officers also enforce state laws relating to rabies control and animal neglect and abuse.When responding to calls, animal control officers use their training and experience to capture animals safely and humanely. They transport animals to the animal shelter, where they receive veterinary care if needed.

Cruelty Investigations

AAMW's cruelty investigator is tasked with investigating reports of animal cruelty and neglect. They work closely with law enforcement and the district attorney's office to investigate and prosecute cases of severe animal abuse.The cruelty investigator also educates the public on the signs of animal cruelty and how to report suspected abuse or neglect.

Sheltering and Adoptions

The AAMW animal shelter serves as a temporary home for lost and stray animals in Amarillo. It houses dogs, cats, and other small animals that are waiting to be reunited with their owners or adopted into new homes.The shelter's staff provides care and enrichment for all animals under their care, including medical attention, vaccinations, and socialization. When animals are healthy and ready for adoption, the shelter works to match them with loving, responsible owners.


AAMW believes that education is essential to promoting responsible pet ownership and reducing the number of unwanted animals in Amarillo. Their education program includes school visits, public outreach events, and community programs.Through their education efforts, AAMW teaches the community about topics such as spaying and neutering pets, proper pet care, and responsible pet ownership.

Volunteer Opportunities

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare offers volunteer opportunities to people who want to make a difference in the lives of animals. Volunteers can help with tasks such as walking dogs, socializing cats, assisting with adoptions, and assisting with administrative tasks.Volunteering at AAMW is a fulfilling experience for animal lovers looking to give back to their community and make a difference in the lives of animals.

Adopting a Pet

If you're interested in adopting a pet from Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare, the process is simple. You can visit the shelter during business hours or browse their adoptable pets online.Before adopting, potential owners must fill out an application and go through an interview process. AAMW staff will work with potential owners to ensure a good match between the pet and the family.


Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare is an indispensable organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in our community. They provide essential services such as animal control, cruelty investigations, sheltering, adoptions, and education.If you're looking to adopt a pet or make a difference in the lives of animals, consider volunteering at AAMW or supporting their mission through donations. Together, we can ensure that all animals in Amarillo receive the care and respect they deserve.

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare Compared: The Pros and Cons of Two Big Cities


Keeping our pets healthy and happy is our primary job as animal owners, but what do you do when animals need to be rescued or put up for adoption? The city’s animal management and welfare agency is responsible for the wellbeing of stray animals and those abandoned by their owners. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two of the biggest cities in Texas – Amarillo and Houston – and compare their animal welfare efforts.

Population and Demand

Both cities are among the largest populated cities in the state of Texas. The sheer number of inhabitants and animals residing within each city is stunning, causing each city council to work hard to meet the demands that come with this huge population. In terms of space, Houston's Animal Control facility is much larger than Amarillo’s. In Houston, they have over 50 acres whereas in Amarillo, the facility spans eight.

Animal Adoptions

Houston has a slightly higher adoption rate compared to Amarillo. They keep a variety of animals and are less reluctant to euthanize as opposed to Amarillo, who only has dogs available. As a result of this restriction, Houston attracts more visitors, hence enabling more adoptions. They heavily advertise their Pet of the Week program, which highlights one animal every week, giving them a better chance of adoption. Amarillo, on the other hand, leans towards a foster system to care for animals before taking them to rescue agencies. There is a spay and neuter program too, although not as extensive as Houston's.

Spay and Neuter Programs

Houston boasts of an extensive spay and neuter program, where low-income families can apply for a voucher that covers the procedure. The city council, recognizing the value of reducing the animal overpopulation crisis, made it a priority to prevent unwanted litters. In the case of Amarillo, low-income families are not provided with a free procedure voucher, but rescuers foster animals until vets can perform the operation.

Emergency Service Response Time

Both cities promise an efficient, timely emergency response for animal rescue concerns. However, Houston’s Animal Control boasts of a more extensive fleet of vehicles and is equipped better to handle any emergency animal rescue situations, which is mainly attributed to its bigger facility and a more significant budget allocation. Amarillo's limited staff and smaller facilities often find themselves overwhelmed in a crisis, which means they may take a little longer to respond.

Adoption Fees

The adoption fees between both cities differ slightly. Houston charges a flat fee of $50, while Amarillo dishes up a $90 price tag. Even so, both cities usually provide services such as vaccinations and medical check-ups with each adoption procedure, regardless of the species. Houston joins forces with various other animal welfare organizations, work together to ensure that animals they have under their care receive the maximum amount of care and attention they need.

Volunteer Programs

Both cities have active volunteer programs, but Houston’s is on a much larger scale. They recruit any willing individuals to help with tasks such as walking dogs and engage in a charity and fundraising before-hand, raising money primarily intended for animal care costs. Houston's program expands beyond the confines of their City Council with partners that include private firms, vet institutions and more.

Community Engagement

Houston appears to be more invested in community outreach programs that encourage people to become involved in animal advocacy and education. The concept thrives in Amarillo, but residents agree that there could be more awareness strategies put in play by their city council to spread information about the importance of animal care.

Budget Allocation

Amarillo’s budget allocation toward their Animal Control is not as significant as Houston's so that less money may be available to promote programs and advertise adoptions. Still, Amarillo received a grant from The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) to help fund their spay and neuter program.

Customer Satisfaction

Overall, both cities strive to provide their community with excellent services showing their passion for animal protection. Houston earns high praise from its residents in terms of customer satisfaction. Volunteers and visitors celebrate the city's Animal Control staff for their friendly, informative and helpful nature. Amarillo maintains an acceptable level of service too despite their limited resources.


In summary, both Houston and Amarillo's animal control agencies share a common goal – keeping their community's pets safe and sound. However, Houston appears to be more extensive in their efforts to achieve it. They have a sprawling Animal Control facility, a close-knit working rapport with many other animal advocacy organizations, and more options for animal fostering and adoption. Nonetheless, both cities provide exceptional services, with Houston obviously investing more than Amarillo. Across both cities, some operational areas could still do with improvement, and it would be great to see even more investment put towards animal welfare. Regardless, both have done a commendable job in keeping their communities' animals happy.

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare: Improving Animal Lives


Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare (AAMW) is an animal shelter that serves the city of Amarillo in Texas, USA. Its primary goal is to provide safety, comfort, and care for animals that are lost, abandoned, or abused. The organization is responsible for enforcing laws related to animal cruelty and neglect, as well as educating the public about responsible pet ownership. In this article, we will take a closer look at AAMW and how it works.

Adoption Process

If you're interested in adopting a pet from AAMW, the first step is to visit their website and browse their available animals. You can also visit the shelter in person to meet the animals and get a sense of their temperament. Once you've found a pet you're interested in, you'll need to fill out an adoption application. This form will ask you questions about your living situation, previous pet ownership, and what kind of pet you're looking for. AAMW staff will review your application and discuss potential matches with you.

Pet Care Services

In addition to adoption services, AAMW provides a variety of animal care services to the community. For example, they offer vaccinations, microchipping, and spay/neuter surgeries for cats and dogs. They also provide pet licensing, which is required by law in Amarillo. Additionally, AAMW works to educate the public about responsible pet ownership, including the importance of regular veterinary checkups and proper nutrition.

Reporting Animal Cruelty

One of AAMW's most important functions is to investigate and respond to reports of animal cruelty and neglect. If you suspect that an animal is being mistreated, you can call AAMW's cruelty hotline to report the situation. AAMW will investigate the allegations and take appropriate action, which may include removing the animal from the situation and pressing charges against the owner.

Volunteer Opportunities

AAMW relies heavily on volunteers to help care for animals and assist with various tasks around the shelter. If you're interested in volunteering, you can fill out an application online or visit the shelter in person to learn more. Volunteers are needed to clean kennels, walk dogs, socialize cats, and assist with adoption events. AAMW also accepts donations of pet food, toys, and other supplies.

Tips for Pet Owners

If you're a pet owner in Amarillo, it's important to be aware of the city's laws regarding animal ownership. For example, dogs must be kept on a leash when in public, and it's illegal to leave your pet in a hot car. It's also important to make sure your pet is properly licensed and up-to-date on vaccinations. Additionally, you should always spay/neuter your pets to prevent overpopulation.


Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and welfare of the city's animal population. Whether you're looking to adopt a new pet, volunteer your time, or report animal cruelty, AAMW is there to help. By working together, we can improve the lives of animals in our community.

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare-Sheltering the Voiceless

As an animal lover, nothing feels better than seeing a community that takes care of its animals. That's why today, I want to talk about the incredible work done by Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare (AAMW), an organization that takes care of stray or abandoned animals in Amarillo, Texas.

AAMW is responsible for many things, such as handling animal-related complaints, enforcing city ordinances, promoting adoption of sheltered animals, educating citizens on animal care, and more. Undoubtedly, these services are essential in any city, and it's no different in Amarillo.

One of the best things about AAMW is their dedication to animal welfare. The mantra they live by is Sheltering the Voiceless, and every action they take is guided by that principle.

Another notable thing about AAMW is their commitment to increasing animal adoptions. In 2020 alone, they facilitated over 1,700 adoptions, which is impressive considering the negative impact of COVID-19 on the animal adoption industry.

How do they manage that? Well, AAMW has some creative methods of promotion that genuinely work. For instance, they create eye-catching social media campaigns featuring sheltered animals. They also partner with local businesses to host adoption events, regularly offer discounts on adoption fees, and ensure that their shelter is spotlessly clean – a place where people enjoy visiting. As a result, they have plenty of traffic, and thus, more adoptions.

Of course, dealing with stray or abandoned animals comes with its challenges, and Amarillo is no exception. For example, animal control officers (ACOs) struggle to contain aggressive animals, face risks of dog bites, and sometimes come across individuals that carelessly harm these creatures. Also, sheltering animals and providing medical attention is expensive, but fortunately, the city provides some funds to manage these costs.

Despite those challenges, AAMW remains focused on its mission, which is to offer the best care possible for these voiceless creatures. They work tirelessly to ensure that these animals get a second chance at life, support their health and wellbeing, and advocate for ethical treatment.

That said, AAMW's success would not be possible without the residents' support, as they play a crucial role in animal care. For example, taking precautions when driving to avoid hitting animals, being aware of animal-related issues in their neighborhoods, fostering animals, reporting animal cruelty or neglect, and much more.

In conclusion, Amarillo is lucky to have an outstanding animal welfare organization like AAMW that shelters and cares for the voiceless. Their work is necessary, and we should support them every opportunity we get. If you're looking for a new furry companion, consider adopting from AAMW. Remember, every animal deserves a happy life, and each one of us has the power to make that happen.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope you share it with your friends to help spread the word about AAMW's great work.

Frequently Asked Questions about Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare

What is Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare?

Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare, also known as AAMW, is a government agency that is responsible for enforcing animal-related ordinances in the city of Amarillo, Texas. The agency's goal is to protect the health and safety of animals and citizens in the community.

What services does AAMW provide?

AAMW provides a variety of services, including:

  • Animal control and enforcement
  • Lost and found pet services
  • Animal adoption
  • Spay and neuter assistance
  • Humane education programs
  • Emergency response for injured animals

How can I report an animal-related issue to AAMW?

If you need to report an animal-related issue, you can call AAMW at (806) 378-9032. You can also submit a report online through their website. Be prepared to provide details about the issue, including the location and description of the animals involved.

What should I do if I've lost my pet?

If you've lost your pet, you should contact AAMW as soon as possible. You can also visit their website to see if your pet has been found and brought to the shelter. AAMW also recommends posting lost pet flyers in your neighborhood and on social media.

How can I adopt a pet from AAMW?

If you're interested in adopting a pet from AAMW, you can visit their shelter during adoption hours. Adoption fees vary depending on the type of animal and whether it has been spayed or neutered. AAMW also requires potential adopters to fill out an application and undergo a background check.

Does AAMW provide spay and neuter services?

Yes, AAMW provides spay and neuter assistance to residents of Amarillo. The agency partners with local veterinarians to offer low-cost spay and neuter surgeries to pets in the community. AAMW also offers a voucher program for eligible residents who need financial assistance.