Bobbex-R: The Ultimate Solution for Animal Repellent Needs


Are you tired of your backyard garden and lawn being destroyed by pesky animals like deer, rabbits, and squirrels? Look no further than Bobbex-R Animal Repellent! This effective solution will protect your plants and grass from animal damage.

Did you know that deer can cause up to $1 billion in property damage each year? Don't become a part of that statistic; invest in Bobbex-R and keep those deer away from your yard.

Bobbex-R is made of natural ingredients, making it safe for both animals and your garden. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to effective animal repellent.

The combination of ingredients in Bobbex-R creates an odor that repels animals but is not harmful to them. Your garden will be protected without causing harm to the animals that may wander into your yard.

But does Bobbex-R actually work? Studies have shown that the use of Bobbex-R reduces animal damage by up to 80%. That means less money spent on repairing damage and more time enjoying your beautiful yard.

Not only is Bobbex-R effective, but it is also easy to use. Simply apply the solution directly to your plants and grass according to the package instructions. It's that simple!

If you are looking for a long-lasting solution, Bobbex-R is the answer. Its effectiveness lasts for up to 2 months per application, giving you peace of mind knowing your garden is protected.

It's not just deer that Bobbex-R repels, but also rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and even elk! Keep all these pesky animals away from your yard with one simple solution.

Don't let animal damage ruin your beautiful landscape. With Bobbex-R Animal Repellent, you can keep your garden and lawn looking their best all year round.

So, what are you waiting for? Try Bobbex-R today and say goodbye to animal damage for good!

The Solution to Keep Your Garden Safe: Bobbex-R Animal Repellent

As a gardener, having deer, rabbits, and other animals destroying your hard work can be heart-wrenching. Fortunately, there's a solution! Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is a natural and safe repellent used by many gardeners that keeps animals away from their plants. In this article, we will discuss Bobbex-R and dive into why it's one of the best animal repellents on the market.

What is Bobbex-R?

Bobbex-R is an animal repellent that is made up of natural ingredients such as putrescent eggs, garlic oil, and other essential oils. The inviting smell for humans is repulsive for animals. It does not contain harsh chemicals, making it safe for pets, plants, and even humans.

How Does Bobbex-R Work?

Bobbex-R works by applying it directly to the foliage of your plants. It has a strong odor that repels animals. Although the scent is powerful to animals, it is unnoticeable to humans when used correctly. The product's scent lingers and creates an invisible barrier around your plants, deterring animals from venturing too close.

Is Bobbex-R Effective?

Yes! Bobbex-R has been on the market for over 10 years and has proven to be almost 100 percent effective against rabbits, squirrels, deer, chipmunks, and other small animals. This product offers an eco-friendly way of protecting your garden while keeping these animals safe.

How to use Bobbex-R?

Bobbex-R is easy to use. Shake well before using and apply directly to foliage on your plants. It is recommended to reapply after heavy rains or every two weeks, depending on the weather and vegetation growth. It comes in a spray bottle, making it easy to apply and store.

Additional Benefits of Bobbex-R

Besides keeping animals out of your garden, Bobbex-R has other benefits:

  • The natural ingredients it contains help nourish your plants and promote growth
  • It repels insects as well as animals from feeding on your crops
  • The odor is not persistent and disappears within an hour of application for those close by, but unfortunately everyone wont tolerate its initial smell


Gardening can be a therapeutic hobby, but it can be devastating when seeing animals raiding your precious plants you may have spent months caring for. Bobbex-R is a safe, natural and eco-friendly solution to this problem that works effectively to keep unwanted animals out of your garden. Using Bobbex-R guarantees healthy plants all season long.

So, are you worried about animals ruining your garden? Get your hands on Bobbex-R today and protect your plants naturally without causing harm to animals and promoting plant growth!

Comparing Bobbex-R Animal Repellent

If you are a property owner, then you know that dealing with wildlife pests can be a real hassle. Whether it is uninvited deer, moose, rabbits, or raccoons, there are many ways in which these animals can damage your garden and lawn, or even your house. Until recently, one of your few options for a reliable animal repellent may have been traditional barriers like fences, but for most people, this is not possible or too expensive to afford. Fortunately, Bobbex-R animal repellent offers a natural and effective way of keeping those wild creatures out of your homes. In this article, we'll compare Bobbex-R animal repellent to other animal repellents, and explain why it's considered one of the best.

History and background of Bobbex-R

Bobbex-R is a brand of animal repellent that is widely recognized as one of the best products on the market. It is a natural, environmentally friendly product that contains all-natural ingredients and botanical oils that are safe for use around humans, pets, and wildlife. Bobbex was first created by a horticulturist in the 1990s who sought to create an animal repellent that would not harm plants.

The benefits of using Bobbex-R animal repellent

The primary benefits of using Bobbex-R over other animal repellents are numerous. For one, it is made from all-natural, organic materials which make it completely safe for use in and around plants and animals. Secondly, Bobbex-R is incredibly effective at deterring animals from causing damage to your lawn or garden. According to studies, Bobbex-R beats other animal repellents in terms of its effectiveness, lasting up to three times longer than the next closest competitor.

Bobbex-R’s ingredients

Bobbex-R features a combination of five key natural ingredients that each work together to create the perfect animal repellent solution. These ingredients include fish oil, putrescent egg solids, garlic, clove oil, and vinegar. The combination of these ingredients creates an unpleasant taste that animals will not want to consume and can also cause mild irritations on the skin of some animals.

Potential harmful effects of Bobbex-R

The main harmful effect of Bobbex-R is that it can be irritating to human skin and eyes, especially if it comes into contact with sensitive areas like your mouth, nose, or eyes. There have also been reports of Bobbex-R causing respiratory issues due to its strong scent. Therefore, it is essential to use proper protection when handling Bobbex-R and to follow all safety instructions included with the product.

Comparison with other animal repellents

Compared to other animal repellents, Bobbex-R stands out in many ways. Silver-coated reflective tape is another popular animal repellent. It is supposed to reflect light to scare off animals. However, it does not work well in the long run because it fades over time. Likewise, Electronic repellent devices use high-frequency noise to deter animals, and they can be effective in the short term, but most animals eventually become accustomed to the noise and learn to ignore it.

Table comparison between animal repellents

| Features | Bobbex-R | Silver-Coated Reflective Tape | Electronic Repellent Devices || ---------------- | -------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- || Natural | Yes | No | No || Effective | Yes | No | Yes || Environmentally Friendly | Yes | No | No || Pet Safe | Yes | Yes | Yes || Long-lastling effects | Yes | No | No |

Opinion on Bobbex-R animal repellent

Bobbex-R is undoubtedly one of the best animal repellents on the market. Unlike traditional outdoor barriers, which may be too expensive or bulky to use, Bobbex-R is an easy-to-use and completely natural solution for keeping animals away from your gardens or lawns. It is highly effective and can last up to three times longer than its closest competitor. Additionally, it is environmentally friendly and entirely safe for use around pets and wildlife. Overall, if you want a reliable way to keep animals away from your garden or house, you can't go wrong with Bobbex-R animal repellent.

Keep pests away with Bobbex-R Animal Repellent


If you struggle with keeping wildlife and other pests out of your garden, you've likely tried a variety of methods, ranging from scarecrows to fences. However, these solutions can be ineffective at best, and may even harm the animals you're trying to keep away. That's where Bobbex-R Animal Repellent comes in - a safe and humane way to keep pests at bay.

What is Bobbex-R Animal Repellent?

Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is a specially-formulated spray that uses all-natural ingredients to deter animals from entering your yard or garden. The spray is made up of a combination of natural predators, such as coyote urine and fish oil, as well as pepper oils, cinnamon oil, and other natural scents and flavors that serve to repel animals.

How Does it Work?

When an animal enters an area that has been sprayed with Bobbex-R, they will immediately notice an unpleasant smell and taste. This is because the ingredients in the spray are designed to mimic natural odors and flavors that predators use to warn animals away. By spraying this repellent in the areas where you want to keep animals out, you can effectively create a barrier without causing any harm to the animals themselves.

Using Bobbex-R Animal Repellent


To use Bobbex-R Animal Repellent, simply spray it directly onto plants, trees, or other surfaces that you want to protect. Be sure to apply the spray generously, making sure to cover the entire surface. You can also use the spray on ground surfaces where animals like to dig or burrow. The scent will linger for several weeks, providing long-lasting protection.


You'll need to reapply Bobbex-R Animal Repellent every 10-14 days to maintain its effectiveness. It's important to note that if you live in an area with heavy rainfall, you may need to apply the repellent more frequently, as rainwater can wash away the scent.


Before applying the spray, be sure to test a small area to ensure that it won't cause any harm or discoloration. You should also wear gloves when handling the spray to avoid any contact with your skin.

Advantages of Using Bobbex-R Animal Repellent


One of the primary benefits of using Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is that it is safe and non-toxic to humans, animals, and plants. This makes it an ideal choice for those who are looking for a humane way to protect their gardens without causing harm to wildlife or pets.


Bobbex-R Animal Repellent has been proven to be highly effective at keeping a wide variety of pests at bay. Whether you're dealing with deer, rabbits, squirrels, or other common garden pests, this repellent can help keep them away from your plants and trees.


Compared to other methods of pest control, such as fences or electronic deterrents, Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is a highly affordable option. One bottle of the spray can provide coverage for up to 10,000 square feet, making it a cost-effective solution for larger gardens or yards.


If you're tired of dealing with pesky animals invading your garden, Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is an ideal solution. With its all-natural ingredients, safe and humane approach, and proven effectiveness, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking to keep their garden healthy and vibrant without causing harm to wildlife. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is a must-have tool in your pest control toolkit. So, get it now and maintain a beautiful garden.

Keep animals away from your garden with Bobbex-R Animal Repellent

If you live in a rural area, or if you have a beautiful garden, you know how hard it is to keep animals like deer, rabbits, and squirrels from eating your plants, fruits, and vegetables. That's why Bobbex-R Animal Repellent was created - to help you protect your garden naturally and effectively.

Unlike other animal repellents on the market, Bobbex-R is made from natural and safe ingredients, which means it won't harm animals, people, or the environment. Its formula contains a blend of putrescent egg solids, fishmeal, garlic, clove oil, and other natural ingredients that create an unpleasant taste and smell for animals, effectively keeping them away from your plants.

Bobbex-R is so effective that it has been trusted by professionals and homeowners alike for over 20 years. Its success is due to its ability to repel a variety of animals, including deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, and more. Whether you have a small garden or a large commercial farm, Bobbex-R can help you keep your plants safe and healthy.

Using Bobbex-R couldn't be easier. Simply spray it onto your plants, fruits, or veggies, and let it dry. Its long-lasting formula lasts up to two months, even in rainy or snowy conditions. Bobbex-R is also safe to use on all types of plants, including edibles, flowers, trees, and shrubs.

One of the benefits of Bobbex-R is that it is eco-friendly and biodegradable. You can feel good about using it because it won't harm animals, pollute the soil, lakes or rivers surrounding your property, or leave toxic residues in your garden. Bobbex-R is also easy to store, transport, and dispose of properly.

Another advantage of using Bobbex-R is that it can help you save money on replacement plants, fencing, and chemicals. When animals eat your plants, they not only damage them, but they can also spread diseases, parasites, and pests, which can require expensive treatments. With Bobbex-R, you can protect your plants and reduce the risk of health problems for you and your pets.

Bobbex-R is also versatile and can be used in different settings. If you have a dog or cat, you can spray the repellent around their kennels or houses to keep other animals from bothering them. If you have a bird feeder, you can apply it to the pole or stand to prevent squirrels from climbing up and stealing the seeds. If you have a pond, you can use it to deter geese or ducks from landing and creating a mess.

Finally, Bobbex-R is a cost-effective solution for animal control. Compared to other methods of pest control, such as trapping, shooting, or hiring a professional exterminator, Bobbex-R is much more affordable and convenient. You can buy it online or at a local store, and you don't need any equipment or special skills to use it. It's a DIY solution that pays off in the long run by saving you time, money, and frustration.


In conclusion, Bobbex-R Animal Repellent is a smart choice for anyone who wants to protect their garden, pets, and property from unwanted animals. Its natural ingredients, effectiveness, safety, versatility, and eco-friendliness make it an excellent alternative to harmful and unreliable products. Whether you're a homeowner, a gardener, a farmer, or a landscaper, you can benefit from using Bobbex-R. So, try it out today and see the results for yourself.

Remember that prevention is key when it comes to animal control, so don't wait until you have a problem to start using Bobbex-R. By applying it regularly, you can create a barrier that animals will find unappealing, and they will look somewhere else for their food, shelter, and entertainment. You can also enjoy your garden more, knowing that you've done your part to protect it and the environment. Thank you for reading this article about Bobbex-R Animal Repellent, and we hope you found it helpful and informative.

People Also Ask About Bobbex-R Animal Repellent

What is Bobbex-R?

Bobbex-R is an animal repellent that is made from a blend of natural ingredients designed to discourage animals from eating trees, shrubs, and other plants. It is an effective solution for protecting your garden, yard, or landscaping from damage by deer, rabbits, squirrels, and other animals.

How does Bobbex-R work?

Bobbex-R uses a combination of scent and taste deterrents to repel animals. Unlike some other animal repellents on the market, Bobbex-R targets multiple senses of the animals, making it more effective. Additionally, Bobbex-R's formula is safe for humans and pets.

Is Bobbex-R safe to use?

Yes, Bobbex-R is safe for both humans and pets when used as directed. It is made with natural ingredients and does not contain harmful chemicals or toxins. It is also biodegradable, making it an eco-friendly choice for animal repellent.

How do I apply Bobbex-R?

You can apply Bobbex-R using a pump sprayer or trigger bottle. Be sure to shake the bottle well before use and spray the mixture thoroughly on the leaves, branches, and trunks of the plants you want to protect. For best results, reapply every 10-14 days or after a heavy rainfall.

Does Bobbex-R work for all animals?

Bobbex-R is effective against a wide range of animals, including deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and groundhogs. However, different animals have different preferences for taste and smell, so some may be more resistant to the repellent than others. It is always essential to test the product in a small area first before applying it to your entire garden or yard.

Can Bobbex-R be used on edible plants?

Bobbex-R is not intended for use on edible plants, fruits, or vegetables. While it is made from natural ingredients and is safe for humans and pets, it may affect the taste or quality of the produce. If you have a vegetable garden or other edible plants, try using a physical barrier or alternative repellent method.

Is Bobbex-R eco-friendly?

Yes, Bobbex-R is an eco-friendly option for animal repellent. It is made with natural ingredients that biodegrade over time, and it does not contain harmful chemicals or toxins. It is also safe to use around children and pets, making it an excellent choice for families with young children or outdoor pets.