Boruto's Secret Summoning Animal Revealed: Uncover the Mystery Behind His Loyal Companion!


Boruto Uzumaki, the charismatic protagonist of the hit anime series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, has gained a large following since his introduction. The young ninja has impressive abilities and an unwavering determination to become the best shinobi in Konoha. One of Boruto's unique abilities is his summoning technique, which allows him to summon a powerful animal to aid him in battle.

But what is Boruto's summoning animal, and how does it help him in combat? Let's take a closer look.

What is a Summoning Animal?

Before we talk about Boruto's specific summoning animal, it's essential to understand what a summoning animal is and how it works. A summoning animal is essentially an animal companion that a ninja can call upon by performing a specific jutsu.

The jutsu requires the user to sign a contract with the animal species they want to summon, and it can only be performed by someone who has completed the necessary training. Once the user has signed the contract, they can channel their chakra and call upon the animal for assistance.

Boruto's Summoning Animal: Nue

Boruto's summoning animal is called Nue, an ominous-looking creature with a long snout, wide wings, and a spiky tail. Nue is a mythical creature from Japanese folklore that is said to cause calamities and disasters wherever it appears.

In the anime, Nue is initially presented as a hostile entity, wreaking havoc in the Hidden Leaf Village and injuring several villagers. However, Boruto manages to form a bond with Nue, and the creature eventually becomes his trusted ally.

Nue's Abilities

Nue possesses several powerful abilities that make it a valuable asset in combat. One of its most useful abilities is its chakra absorption, which allows it to absorb the chakra of other beings and use it to enhance its attacks.

Additionally, Nue can produce a powerful electrical field that can paralyze its opponents, making it difficult for them to move or attack. It also possesses physical strength and speed that make it a formidable opponent in close combat.

Boruto and Nue: An Unbeatable Combination

Together, Boruto and Nue make an unbeatable combination in battle. With Nue's diverse range of abilities and Boruto's mastery of ninja techniques, the two are almost unstoppable when working together.

Their bond is also strengthened by their unique connection. Boruto is one of the few people who can understand Nue's thoughts and feelings, making their partnership even stronger.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Boruto's summoning animal is Nue, an ominous yet powerful creature from Japanese folklore. With its unique abilities and Boruto's mastery of ninja techniques, the two make an unbeatable team in battle.

If you're a fan of Boruto and want to learn more about his adventures, we recommend checking out the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime series. It's packed with action, adventure, and incredible fighting scenes that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

So why wait? Start watching now and witness Boruto's epic battles with Nue firsthand!

Boruto is the son of Naruto and Hinata, and he is presently a Ninja of Konohagakure. As a ninja, he has several abilities, including summoning an animal to help him in battle. Boruto's summoning animal is a white snake named Garaga. The snake is exclusive to Boruto, and it is a powerful creature that he uses to aid him on his missions.

What is a Summoning Animal?

Summoning Jutsu allows a ninja to summon an animal or person to their side for help in battle. The technique requires a contract with a specific creature that the ninja wants to summon. The contract goes both ways; the ninja offering the contract must be willing to channel part of their chakra to create a bridge between the animal and themself. The summoned creature's abilities vary based on the animal, but they often possess unique skills that can tip the scales in the fighters' favor. However, summoning animals require a considerable amount of chakra, so ninja usually reserve it for critical moments in battle.

Boruto's Summoning Animal: Garaga

Garaga is a massive white snake with blue markings on its body. He possesses incredible speed and agility and can quickly catch up to even the swiftest of enemies. His unique ability is the Poison Dragon Breath Jutsu, which allows him to spew toxic gas that disorients and incapacitates his opponents.Garaga is also incredibly loyal to Boruto, and the two have an unbreakable bond. Boruto was able to claim Garaga as his summoning animal by using his exceptional negotiation skills and giving him a horn to help him heal. This horn proved invaluable when Garaga was later wounded, and Boruto was able to use it to save his life.

Why did Boruto choose Garaga?

While Boruto had a few choices of which summoning animal to sign a contract with, he chose Garaga because they share a similar personality. Both Boruto and Garaga are mischievous and playful, and they have a bond that forms during a critical battle.Furthermore, Boruto believes in Garaga's potential as a trustworthy ally. He recognizes that Garaga has a lot of power, but he requires guidance and support to unlock it fully. Boruto's does an excellent job of providing this guidance, which is why Garaga always delivers in battle.

Garaga's Background Story

Garaga wasn't always white. He used to be a member of the black serpent clan and lived in another dimension until his clan and dimension were destroyed. One day, Orochimaru discovered the location of Garaga's remaining members and started hunting them down. Garaga, wanting revenge for his fallen comrades (and an opportunity to continue living), entered a contract with Mitsuki, Orochimaru's son. Garaga survived multiple battles mostly due to the help of Mitsuki.


In conclusion, Garaga is a loyal and strong summoning animal that aids Boruto in his missions and battles. Their bond is the key to their success, and it goes beyond the typical relationship between summoner and summoned creature.Boruto and Garaga's narrative showcases the importance of building relationships. It reminded us that even in fictional worlds, having allies and friends can make all the difference when it comes to overcoming challenges.Finally, Garaga's interesting backstory shows us that characters and creatures may sometimes surprise us with their hidden stories, making a previously insignificant character have lasting effects on the plot and on viewers.

Comparing Boruto's Summoning Animal: What Makes Them Stand Out?


Boruto, the protagonist of the Naruto sequel, has become a popular character among anime fans. While he initially struggled with learning to summon animals, he eventually mastered the skill and gained some powerful beasts to aid him in battle. In this article, we will be comparing his three summoning animals: Garaga, Nue, and Kuchiyose: Tento.


Garaga, one of Boruto's newer summoning animals, is a giant white snake with red markings. Not only does he possess immense physical strength, but he can also spit a venomous substance that incapacitates his opponents. Garaga's relationship with Boruto started off rocky, as he initially saw humans as inferior beings. However, once Boruto proved himself to be a worthy ally, Garaga became loyal to him.


Garaga's biggest strength lies in his physical power. He is a behemoth of a creature, able to crush almost anything in his path. Additionally, his venomous spit can quickly disable enemies, making it easier for Boruto to take them down.


Despite his strength, Garaga seems to have a short temper, especially when it comes to people he doesn't know. This makes him difficult to control in chaotic battles, as he may lash out at anyone nearby. Additionally, his size makes him an easy target for ranged attacks.


Nue is a chimera, a creature with the combined features of several animals. He has the body of a black panther, the wings of a bat, and a long tail ending in a scorpion stinger. Nue is often considered the most powerful of Boruto's summoning animals, as he possesses a range of abilities that make him difficult to defeat.


Nue's main strength comes from his versatility. He can fly, swim, and run on land, making him difficult to track. Additionally, he can generate electricity, which he can use to paralyze his enemies. His scorpion stinger can also inflict serious damage.


Despite his many strengths, Nue has some notable weaknesses. His main weakness lies in his susceptibility to lightning attacks, as his body is made up of electricity. This makes it difficult for him to fight other electrified creatures. His size can also hinder his movements in confined spaces.

Kuchiyose: Tento

Kuchiyose: Tento is a small beetle that Boruto can summon for reconnaissance purposes. While he may not be as physically imposing as Garaga or Nue, Tento has proven to be a valuable ally in gathering information.


Tento's main strength lies in his ability to fly undetected. He can blend in with other beetles, making it difficult for his enemies to spot him. Additionally, Tento is small enough to fit into tight spaces where larger animals cannot go.


As a small insect, Tento's biggest weakness is his fragility. One careless step could squash him, rendering him useless to Boruto. Additionally, his small size limits what he can do in combat.


In conclusion, all three of Boruto's summoning animals have unique strengths and weaknesses that make them stand out from one another. Garaga, with his immense physical power and venomous spit, is a force to be reckoned with. Nue, with his versatility and electrifying capabilities, is a powerful ally in most situations. Finally, Tento, with his ability to fly undetected and gather information, is a valuable resource for Boruto. Each of these animals has proven to be a valuable asset to Boruto as he navigates the challenges of being a ninja.

Exploring Boruto's Summoning Animal: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a fan of the Naruto franchise, then you must have already heard about Boruto Uzumaki, who eventually became the protagonist of the spinoff manga series. As we delve deeper into the world of Boruto, one of the most intriguing aspects of his character is his summoning animal. In this blog post, we will explore everything there is to know about Boruto's summoning animal.

What Is a Summoning Animal?

In the Naruto universe, a summoning animal is a creature that can be summoned by shinobi using a contract. Each shinobi has their own contract with a particular kind of animal, allowing them to summon them whenever necessary.

Boruto's Summoning Animal

Boruto's summoning animal is known as Garaga. Garaga is a giant serpent, and he is one of the rarest summoning animals in the Naruto universe. He has several unique abilities, some of which we will discuss later on.

Boruto's Contract with Garaga

Boruto obtained his contract with Garaga during one of his missions. During this mission, Boruto and Sarada Uchiha were tasked with delivering a package to an old man named Kokuyō. However, they soon found out that Kokuyō and his followers were actually thieves who wanted to steal the package.During their encounter with Kokuyō, Boruto was able to persuade Garaga, who was initially hostile towards them, to become his summoning animal. Garaga agreed to the contract in exchange for Boruto's promise to help him uncover the truth about a mysterious illness that was affecting his snake clan.

Garaga's Abilities

Garaga is a powerful summoning animal with several unique abilities that make him one of the most dangerous foes in the Naruto universe. Some of his abilities include:
  • Immense Strength: Garaga is incredibly strong, capable of taking on multiple opponents at once
  • Poison Release: Garaga has the ability to release a deadly poison that can kill his enemies within seconds
  • Snake Transformation: Garaga can transform into a giant snake when necessary

Boruto's Relationship with Garaga

Since Boruto and Garaga are relatively new allies, their relationship is a bit rocky in the beginning. However, as they embark on their mission to uncover the truth about the mysterious illness affecting Garaga's snake clan, their bond begins to grow stronger.

Challenges Faced by Boruto and Garaga

As Boruto and Garaga investigate the mysterious illness affecting Garaga's snake clan, they face several challenges along the way. These challenges include battles with other shinobi and summoning animals, as well as uncovering hidden conspiracies and secrets.

Importance of Garaga to Boruto's Character Development

Garaga plays a crucial role in Boruto's character development. Through his journey with Garaga, Boruto learns several important lessons about loyalty, trust, and responsibility. He also gains valuable combat experience that he can use in future missions.

Garaga's Role in the Boruto Manga Series

Garaga's role in the Boruto manga series is still unfolding. As of now, he is primarily involved in Boruto's missions, but there is a possibility that he may play a more integral part in the plot down the line.

Final Thoughts

Boruto's summoning animal, Garaga, is a fascinating character that adds an extra layer of intrigue to the Boruto manga series. His unique abilities and complex backstory make him a valuable asset to Boruto's journey as a shinobi, and we can't wait to see how their story unfolds in the future.

What Is Boruto's Summoning Animal?

Boruto Uzumaki, the son of renowned ninja Naruto Uzumaki, has been the focus of the anime series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. In the show, Boruto has a powerful ability to summon animals that assist him during battles. But what is Boruto's summoning animal?

To understand Boruto's summoning animal, we must first look at his father's. Naruto famously summoned a giant toad named Gamabunta during battles. However, Boruto does not have the same summoning animal as his father. Instead, he has a different animal companion.

Boruto's summoning animal is a small, white ferret-like creature named Nue. Nue has a unique ability to manifest electrical energy, which Boruto often uses to great effect in battle.

Nue was first introduced in the Boruto manga and anime as a new creature that Boruto encounters in a dangerous mission. The creature becomes his ally after Boruto defeats it. It is revealed that Nue is a creature from another dimension that accidentally crossed over into the Naruto universe. Nue poses a significant danger to the real world, fueling the conflict in the series.

However, despite the danger posed by Nue, Boruto forms a close bond with the creature, leading him to become his summoning animal. It was revealed in the anime series that Boruto inherited his ability to summon creatures from his mother, Hinata Hyuga, who has been shown to summon different small animals.

One of the unique abilities of Nue is his ability to use electricity to create illusions. This attribute allows Boruto to confuse their opponents into thinking they are facing multiple enemies, providing him with a significant advantage in battles.

Another attribute that Nue possesses is the ability to sense chakra. This feature also gives Boruto a significant advantage in battle, allowing him to track down his opponents and locate their weaknesses.

The bond between Boruto and Nue was further strengthened after the creature was gravely injured during a battle. Boruto nursed Nue back to health, fostering an unbreakable bond between them. From that moment, the two have been inseparable.

In conclusion, Boruto's summoning animal is a white, ferret-like creature named Nue. Nue has unique abilities such as manifesting electrical energy, creating illusions, and sensing chakra. The bond between Boruto and Nue is unbreakable, leading them to become a formidable team on the battlefield.

As the series continues, we can expect to see Boruto and Nue face even more challenges. However, with their strong bond and unique abilities, they are sure to come out victorious.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Boruto's summoning animal. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative. If you have any further questions, please let us know in the comments below. Don't forget to check out Boruto: Naruto Next Generations to see Boruto and Nue in action!

What Is Boruto's Summoning Animal?

What are Summoning Animals in Naruto Universe?

In the Naruto Universe, summoning animals are creatures that ninja can contract with to summon on the battlefield. They come in various sizes and types, ranging from insect-like creatures to gigantic mythical beasts.

What is Boruto's Summoning Animal?

Boruto, the son of Naruto Uzumaki, also has a summoning animal just like his father. However, instead of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Boruto has a contract with a creature called Garaga.

Who is Garaga?

Garaga is a venomous serpent-like creature with a striking resemblance to a dragon. It inhabits the Ryuchi Cave and is known for its aggressive nature, making it a difficult summoning creature to form a contract with.

What are Garaga's Abilities?

Garaga possesses several abilities that make him a fierce summoning animal. He can spit acid from his mouth and release a swarm of poisonous insects from his body. He also has immense physical strength, as seen when he was able to overpower Mitsuki, a powerful ninja, in a battle.

Do other characters have Summoning Animals as well?

Yes, throughout the Naruto series, many characters are shown to have contracts with summoning animals. For example, Sasuke Uchiha had a contract with a hawk named Garuda, while Orochimaru had a contract with snakes.

Can anyone summon an animal?

No, to summon an animal, a ninja must first form a blood contract, or Summoning Jutsu, with the animal. This involves signing the contract with their blood and making a pact with the animal that they will answer the summoner's call when needed.


Boruto's summoning animal, Garaga, is a deadly serpent-like creature with potent venom and great physical strength. Other characters in Naruto series also have contracts with animals as well, but forming such a contract requires a ninja to undergo a Summoning Jutsu.