Discover the Fascinating World of Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Have you ever heard of the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing? If not, you're missing out on an interesting specimen that is worth talking about. These bugs are not only fascinating in real life but also in the game.

Before we dive into the details of this creature, let's talk about its appearance. The Giant Water Bug is a big and intimidating insect that resembles a cross between a cockroach and a scorpion. They have a brownish-gray color and large pincers that can pack a punch.

But that's not all. Did you know that the Giant Water Bug is also known as the toe-biter, due to its painful bite? In fact, their bite is so powerful that it can break the skin of a human foot! However, there's no need to worry about getting bitten by one in Animal Crossing.

In the game, the Giant Water Bug is a rare and valuable catch. Fishermen and collectors alike seek this elusive insect. Their high price tag and rarity make them a hot commodity for those looking to turn a profit.

Aside from its value, the Giant Water Bug's behavior is also intriguing. Unlike other bugs in the game, they do not fly but instead swim under the water's surface. This makes them harder to catch and adds an element of excitement to the gameplay.

Another interesting fact about the Giant Water Bug is that they are carnivorous and feed on small fish, tadpoles, and even other bugs. In the game, they can be found in ponds and rivers, lurking and waiting for their next prey.

If you're looking to catch a Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing, there are a few things you'll need to know. First, they can only be caught between 7 pm and 8 am. Second, you'll need to have a fishing rod equipped with bait to attract them. Finally, it's essential to pay attention to the ripples in the water, as this is a sure sign that a Giant Water Bug is nearby.

In conclusion, if you're an Animal Crossing enthusiast, the Giant Water Bug is a bug worth catching. Its unique appearance, behavior, and value make it stand out from other insects in the game. So, the next time you see ripples in the water, grab your fishing rod and go on the hunt for this elusive creature.

The Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing: Everything You Need to Know

Animal Crossing has recently taken the world by storm, and with its wide variety of creatures, it’s no surprise that one of the most interesting ones is the Giant Water Bug.

Appearance and Location

The Giant Water Bug is a large, brown insect that resembles a beetle. Its most distinctive feature is its long, concave forelegs, which it uses to grasp prey. It can be found on ponds and rivers around the world, and in Animal Crossing, it can be found on the surface of any body of water, including small and large ponds, rivers, and the ocean.

Behavior and Feeding Habits

Giant Water Bugs are also known as Toe Biters because they have a nasty habit of biting humans who accidentally step on them. They use their sharp mandibles to impale their prey, including insects, fish, frogs, and even small birds. In Animal Crossing, you can catch them using a net just like any other insect.

Fun Facts about Giant Water Bugs

Here are some interesting tidbits about these fascinating creatures:

  • They breathe through snorkel-like tubes, called spiracles, located at the back end of their bodies.
  • Females lay their eggs on the backs of males, who then carry them until they hatch.
  • Giant Water Bugs have been known to play dead when threatened.
  • They are attracted to light and can be lured to the surface of the water with a flashlight at night.

The Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can find the Giant Water Bug during the months of April to September (in the northern hemisphere) and October to March (in the southern hemisphere). They can be sold for 2,000 bells at Nook’s Cranny or used to create the Flea model at Flick’s studio.

Other Uses for Giant Water Bugs

Giant Water Bugs have been used in traditional medicine in Asia and South America to treat a variety of ailments, including asthma, tuberculosis, and rheumatism. Some species are also considered a delicacy in some parts of the world and are eaten after being fried or boiled.

The Bottom Line

The Giant Water Bug is just one of the many fascinating creatures you can find in Animal Crossing. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, catching one of these bugs is sure to provide a fun and interesting experience.

Have you caught a Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing? What other creatures do you enjoy finding in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Giant Water Bug Animal Crossing: A Comparison


Animal Crossing is a beloved game among many players, young and old. The various creatures that can be found in the game are always a topic of discussion among players. One such creature is the Giant Water Bug. In this comparison article, we will discuss the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing with its real-life counterpart. We will also look at their habits, appearances, and experiences.

About the Giant Water Bug

The Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing is an insect that can be found in rivers and ponds. It can be caught from 7 pm to 8 am during the months of April to September. It sells for a decent amount of Bells, making it a worthwhile catch. The real-life Giant Water Bug is also known as the 'toe-biter' due to its habit of biting humans in the water. They are found in freshwater habitats worldwide, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

While the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing and its real-life counterpart share a name, they do have some differences. The Animal Crossing version is much cuter than the real thing. In real life, Giant Water Bugs are quite large, measuring up to 4 inches in length. They use their front legs as a type of rostrum to pierce their prey, which includes fish, tadpoles, and other insects.


The Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing looks cute and cuddly. It has a bright green body, with large eyes and small antennae. It has paddle-like back legs, which it uses to swim. The real-life Giant Water Bug is not nearly as cute. It has a brown, flattened, and oval-shaped body, with a long, pointed nose like appendage.

While it may not be as cute, the real-life Giant Water Bug is quite impressive. It can fly, dive, and hunt underwater. They are one of the world's largest insects and can stay underwater for up to an hour.


In Animal Crossing, the Giant Water Bug behaves like any other insect. It can be caught using a net and added to the player's collection. In real life, the Giant Water Bug is known to be very aggressive. It will attack and prey on fish that are larger than itself, using its piercing front legs to inject lethal toxins that quickly paralyze its prey.

Another unique behavior of the Giant Water Bug is its reproductive habits. The female lays her eggs on the back of the male. The male guards the eggs until they hatch, carrying them around on his back.

Table Comparison

Giant Water Bug Characteristics Animal Crossing Real Life
Appearance Bright Green Body, Large Eyes, Small Antennae Brown, Flattened Oval-shaped Body, Long nose-like appendage
Size Small Up to 4 inches long
Behavior Captured with a net, part of a collection Aggressive, preys on larger fish, carries eggs on its back


The Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing is a unique and interesting insect. It is fun to catch and adds to the collection of creatures found within the game. The real-life Giant Water Bug is equally fascinating, and while it may not be as cute as its Animal Crossing counterpart, it is a testament to the diversity of life found on this planet.

Whether you are playing Animal Crossing or exploring nature, take the time to appreciate the wonderful creatures that share our world.

Everything You Need to Know about the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


If you are a fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, then you might have come across the Giant Water Bug. This bug is an interesting addition to the game and is quite different from other bugs you can catch. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about the Giant Water Bug, including how to catch it, where to find it, and what to do with it.

What is a Giant Water Bug?

The Giant Water Bug, also known as the T. japonicus, is a type of insect that lives in the freshwater habitats of the game. It is brown in color and has a flat oval-shaped body. The bug can grow up to 4 inches long and is known to consume small aquatic animals such as fish or tadpoles.

Where Can You Find Giant Water Bugs?

The Giant Water Bug can only be found in freshwater sources, such as rivers, ponds, and streams in the game. These bugs are rare and can only be found during specific times of the year. They are most commonly found during the months of April to September in the Northern Hemisphere and October to March in the Southern Hemisphere.

How to Catch a Giant Water Bug?

Catching a Giant Water Bug can be quite challenging because they are incredibly fast and quite rare. However, there are some tips you can follow to increase your chances of catching it. The first thing you need to do is equip your net and head to the nearest freshwater body. Look for floating objects that have a shadow underneath them, as these are indicative of the Giant Water Bug. When you spot one, get close and release your net. Make sure you time it right as they are quick and will quickly move out of your reach.

Tips for Catching a Giant Water Bug

  • Keep an eye out for floating objects that cast shadows.
  • Be patient and approach them slowly.
  • Time your net release correctly.
  • Try to catch them at night when they are most active.

What to Do With Your Giant Water Bug?

Once you've caught your Giant Water Bug, you might be wondering what to do with it. In the game, you can sell it for a decent profit, or you can donate it to the museum. Blathers, the curator of the museum, loves to collect all types of bugs, and he will happily accept your donation.


The Giant Water Bug may be difficult to catch, but it is definitely worth it in the end. Not only is it a rare addition to your collection, but it is also quite profitable. The next time you're out fishing in the freshwater of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, keep an eye out for the Giant Water Bug, and give catching it a try.

Giant Water Bug: An Intriguing Insect from Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a game that has captivated players with its charming characters, relaxing gameplay, and an extensive array of creatures to be found. One of these creatures is the giant water bug, which is unlike any other insect in the game - or in real life for that matter. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this curious creature and explore its unique characteristics and behaviors.

First and foremost, let's talk about what exactly a giant water bug is. As the name suggests, it's a type of aquatic insect that can be found in rivers and ponds throughout the world. They're predatory creatures that use their sharp forelegs to capture prey such as fish, tadpoles, and even other insects. In Animal Crossing, they can be caught using a net when swimming in the river during the months of April through July in the northern hemisphere, and October through January in the southern hemisphere.

One of the first things you'll notice about the giant water bug in Animal Crossing is its appearance. It's a large, brown bug with a distinctive oval-shaped body and flat, wide legs that resemble oars. Its most striking feature is its piercing, straw-like mouthpart, which it uses to inject venom into its prey before sucking out the bodily fluids. Although this might sound gruesome, it's a necessary part of the insect's survival and is common among many types of predators.

In addition to its hunting tactics, the giant water bug has several other interesting behaviors. For example, it's capable of flight, despite its bulky appearance and aquatic lifestyle. When threatened, it can release a strong odor from glands on its body to deter predators. It's also one of the few insects in the game that can be heard making noise, emitting a high-pitched buzzing sound similar to a cicada.

Another unique aspect of this creature is its cultural significance. In Japan, where the insect is known as giant water scorpion, it's considered a delicacy and is often eaten as a snack or used in soups and stews. However, due to their venomous bites and aggressive nature, they're also feared by many people in certain regions. In modern times, the giant water bug has been studied for its potential medical uses, as its venom contains compounds that have been shown to have insecticidal and anticancer properties.

So, what can you do with the giant water bug in Animal Crossing? As with many critters in the game, there are a few options. You can take it to the museum to be added to your collection, sell it for a respectable amount of bells (2,000 bells, to be exact), or display it as part of your home decor. If you're feeling particularly creative, you could even use it as inspiration for a custom design or craft project.

In conclusion, the giant water bug is a fascinating creature that adds diversity and intrigue to the world of Animal Crossing. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, catching and learning about this insect is sure to be a memorable experience. So why not grab your net and head to the river to see if you can catch one for yourself?

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this article informative and enjoyable. Remember, Animal Crossing has a plethora of interesting creatures to discover, so keep exploring and have fun!

People Also Ask About Giant Water Bug Animal Crossing

What is a Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing?

A Giant Water Bug, also known as the Toebiter, is an aquatic bug that can be found in rivers and ponds in the game Animal Crossing. It is worth 2,000 Bells when sold to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny.

How do I catch a Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing?

To catch a Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing, you will need to equip a fishing rod and look for them in rivers or ponds from 7 pm until 8 am. They are relatively easy to spot, given their large size and dark coloring. Once you identify one, cast your line near it and slowly reel it in as it approaches the bait. They may swim away a few times, so be patient.

Can I trade the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing?

You cannot directly trade the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing with other players, but you can sell it to Timmy and Tommy for 2,000 Bells. You can then use these Bells to buy or trade items with other players if you wish.

What is the purpose of the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing?

The main purpose of catching the Giant Water Bug in Animal Crossing is to sell it for Bells. It can also be donated to the museum in exchange for rewards or displayed in your home as part of your collection. It does not serve any other specific purpose in the game.

Is the Giant Water Bug rare in Animal Crossing?

The Giant Water Bug is not considered rare in Animal Crossing. However, it may take some time and patience to catch one, given their specific spawning times and locations. They are also worth a decent amount of Bells, making them a valuable catch to sell or display in your collection.