DMV Animal Crossword Puzzle in Zootopia: Test Your Knowledge of the Movie's Furry Characters!


Are you a fan of Zootopia movie? If so, you must have loved the DMV animal scene where Judy Hopps encounters several hilarious animals, all working as clerks in the Department of Mammal Vehicles. This particular scene has become iconic for its sheer hilarity and wit. If, like us, you too are a fan of the DMV animal scene, then you’ll enjoy solving this DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle!

First things first, let’s talk about the DMV animal scene from the movie. It’s that classic scene where Judy, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, has to register her license plate to further her investigation. She encounters sloths who work at the DMV – and these sloths are basically the slowest things on earth. The scene is a masterpiece of comedic timing and writing – it subtly pokes fun at modern bureaucracy and the monotony of everyday jobs.

In case you don't remember who they were or what animals they belonged to, here's a refresher: there was Flash (the sloth), Kevin (the wildebeest), Priscilla (the otter) and Officer Delgato (the jaguar).

Now, let’s get cracking! We have created a DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle which will test your knowledge of all the animals in the DMV scene. This puzzle has been designed for fans of all ages, so if you’re a fan of the movie or just looking for some fun, then you’ll love it.

The DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle is perfect for anyone who loves puzzles or just wants to put their knowledge of the DMV animal scene to the test. It’s also great for kids who want to learn more about the different animals in Zootopia.

If you’re feeling stuck or just want some help, don’t worry – we’ve got your back. The DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle comes with a helpful guide which will walk you through each of the clues and answers.

One thing to keep in mind when solving this puzzle is to pay attention to the clues. Some of them may be a bit tricky, while others are fairly straightforward. But don’t worry – we’re sure you’ll get them all eventually!

Here’s a little hint: some of the clues are related to the animals’ jobs at the DMV. Others are related to their actual characteristics. Keep this in mind as you solve the puzzle!

The DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle is a great way to pass the time on a rainy day – or any other day, for that matter! It’s also a fun activity to do with friends or family. So why not print out a few copies and solve them together?

We hope you enjoy solving the DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle! It’s the perfect way to spend some time with your favorite characters from the movie. And remember, if you get stuck, just refer to the helpful guide that comes along with it. Happy puzzling!

In conclusion, if you're looking for a fun activity to do, then the DMV Animal in Zootopia crossword puzzle is perfect for you! With its clever clues and answers, you’ll have a blast trying to solve it. Whether you’re a fan of the movie or just looking for some fun, this puzzle is sure to provide hours of entertainment. So what are you waiting for? Print out a copy today and start puzzling!


Zootopia, the animated movie that was released in 2016 was not only a critical and commercial success, but it also had a massive international following. The movie managed to capture audiences all over the world and entertain them with an intriguing story-line featuring lovable characters. One of the most interesting parts of the movie is the DMV scene, which showcases a unique take on bureaucracy in the animal world.

The DMV Scene

The DMV scene in Zootopia is one that sticks out in the mind of anyone who has seen the film. It is a scene that seamlessly blends the mundane with the absurd, as we see Judy Hopps (the protagonist) go through the bureaucratic process of obtaining a license. The scene features some of the most hilarious moments in the whole film and serves to poke fun at the inefficiency of government offices.

The Animals at the DMV

One of the key things that sets this DMV apart from the real world ones is the fact that it is run entirely by sloths. Sloths are known for their slow movement, and so it is hilariously ironic to see them managing a government office in the movie. This is something that was well received by the audience, as it is a classic example of humor through irony.

Why the DMV Scene Works So Well

The reason why the DMV scene in Zootopia is so successful is because it takes a mundane task and injects it with humor in such a way that it becomes more engaging. The audience is invested in seeing Judy Hopps successfully obtain her license, but the roadblocks that she faces along the way make for a much more compelling story.

The Animal Crossword

Another key feature of the DMV scene in Zootopia is the animal crossword puzzle that Judy Hopps must solve before she can proceed with obtaining her license. The puzzle is made up of animal pictures, which serve as clues to the corresponding words that are needed to be filled in.

Why the Animal Crossword is So Clever

The animal crossword in Zootopia is clever for a number of reasons. Firstly, it showcases the diversity of the animal kingdom and how each species has its unique set of characteristics. Secondly, it serves as a way to engage the audience intellectually, as they try to solve the puzzle alongside Judy Hopps. Finally, it is an excellent example of world-building, as it provides insight into the workings of the Zootopia universe.

The Impact of the DMV Scene on Popular Culture

Since its release, the DMV scene in Zootopia has become a pop culture phenomenon. It has been parodied in various shows and has even spawned a popular meme. The scene's popularity also highlights the role of humor in storytelling, as it managed to make audiences laugh and connect with the movie in a different way.


In conclusion, the DMV scene in Zootopia is one of the most iconic scenes in recent animation history. It showcases the film's wit and humor and serves as an excellent example of world-building unique to the animated feature. Without a doubt, the DMV scene is a classic example of how a seemingly mundane task can be turned into something that audiences will remember for years to come.

DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword: A Comparison


Zootopia is an animated film that has captured the hearts of people of all ages. It tells the story of a rabbit, Judy Hopps, who moves to the city of Zootopia to fulfill her dream of becoming a police officer. In the movie, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is staffed by sloths, creating a hilarious and unforgettable scene. In this article, we will compare the DMV animals in Zootopia with real-life sloths.

Physical Features

Real-life sloths are known for their slow movements and lazy behavior. They have long arms and legs, and their fur is thick and shaggy. Sloths also have a unique ability to rotate their heads 270 degrees! In contrast, the DMV sloths in Zootopia have a similar body structure, but they move at a hilariously slow pace. Their eyes are half-open, and they take forever to respond to anything.

Table 1: Physical Features Comparison

| | Real-Life Sloth | DMV Sloth from Zootopia ||------------------------------|----------------|-------------------------|| Movement | Slow | Hilariously Slow || Fur | Thick and Shaggy | Thick and Shaggy || Response Time | Normal | Super Slow || Eye Position | Normal | Half-Open || Rotating Head Ability | Yes | Not Shown |

Behavioral Traits

Real-life sloths are primarily nocturnal animals, and they spend most of their time sleeping. When awake, they eat leaves, fruits, and flowers. Sloths can also swim and move through the trees with ease. In contrast, the DMV sloths in Zootopia are portrayed as lazy and uninterested in anything other than their work. They take a long time to finish any task, and their monotone voices add to their dullness.

Table 2: Behavioral Traits Comparison

| | Real-Life Sloth | DMV Sloth from Zootopia ||---------------------------|----------------|-------------------------|| Nocturnal/Diurnal | Nocturnal | Not Shown || Diet | Leaves, Fruits and Flowers | Not Shown || Swimming Ability | Yes | Not Shown || Climbing Ability | Yes | Not Shown || Work Ethics | Not Shown | Lazy and Uninterested |

Popularity and Cultural Impact

Sloths have become incredibly popular in recent years, with merchandise featuring their pictures and stuffed toys available in stores worldwide. The DMV sloths in Zootopia quickly became fan favorites, with people mimicking their slow movements and half-open eyes. They have certainly made an impact on pop culture and continue to be a beloved part of the film.

Table 3: Popularity and Cultural Impact Comparison

| | Real-Life Sloth | DMV Sloth from Zootopia ||--------------------------------|----------------|-------------------------|| Merchandise Availability | Yes | Limited Availability || Social Media Presence | Moderate | High || Pop Culture Relevance | Moderate | High || Humor Impact | Limited | High |


In conclusion, while the DMV sloths in Zootopia may not accurately represent real-life sloths, they have undoubtedly created an unforgettable scene and contributed to the movie's popularity. Their slow movements and monotone voices have become iconic and continue to make people laugh. Overall, both real-life sloths and DMV sloths from Zootopia are fascinating creatures that have made an impact on pop culture and will continue to do so in the future.

Tips and Tricks on Solving the DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword


Crosswords are fun and interactive ways to challenge our thinking skills. And if you’re a fan of Zootopia, you’ll surely enjoy solving the DMV Animal Crossword puzzle. This crossword puzzle features animals that were seen at the Department of Mammal Vehicles (DMV) in the movie Zootopia. But before you dive into solving this crossword puzzle, here are some tips and tricks that can help make it easier for you.

1. Gather Information First

Before you start actually solving the puzzle, it's best to look for clues first. Look closely at the crossword puzzle grid and read the clues carefully. Try to see what words or phrases match each clue. And don't get overwhelmed by the number of spaces - remember that each box will only have one letter in it.

2. Familiarize Yourself with the DMV Animals

The DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword Puzzle features animals that were working at the Department of Mammal Vehicles in the movie. To make things easier, familiarize yourself with these animals first. It's easier to identify the names of the animals when you know what they look like and what their jobs are.

Fun fact:

The DMV animals were chosen to suit their nature of work. For instance, the sloths were chosen to work as the DMV front desk officers because of their slow speed.

3. Focus on The Clues

Sometimes, the clue itself will have the answer in it; other times, you need to think about what the clue is asking for. For example, if the clue reads “A feline that saves the day in Zootopia,” then the answer would be “Judy Hopps’ companion, Clawhauser.”

4. Work from The Top-Down

When working on your DMV Animal Crossword Puzzle, it's best to start from the top-down. Begin by solving the longest words in the crossword puzzle, and then work on the shorter ones. This will help you narrow down the letters for the remaining boxes.

5. Don’t Give Up

Crossword puzzles can be tricky, but don't give up easily. Sometimes, all you need is a break from the puzzle. Take a step back and come back to the puzzle with fresh eyes. You may be surprised at how quickly you solve the remaining clues.

6. Use A Thesaurus

A thesaurus is an excellent tool for solving crosswords because it helps you find synonyms for words that you might not know. For instance, looking up synonyms for lion cub might lead you to the clue you’ve been stuck on.

7. Utilize The Letter Count

If you're unsure of what word might fit a clue, use the number of letters in each space as a guide. With this helpful information, you can figure out which words could possibly fit the space and try them out until you get a match.

8. Crosswords Are All About Patterning

Crosswords have a pattern or logic that makes them solvable. Once you get the pattern down, you can use it as a foundation to solve other clues.

9. Use Your Imagination

Sometimes to solve a tricky clue, you have to think outside the box. Use your imagination to come up with several possible answers, and work from there.

10. Enjoy the Journey

Finally, remember to have fun! Relax and enjoy the process of solving the DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword Puzzle. Even if you don't finish it in one sitting, you can always come back to it later. Crosswords are great exercises for your brain that can be both educational and entertaining.


The DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword is fun and challenging. By following these tips and tricks, you can solve the puzzle in no time. So, gather your family or friends and have a great time putting your skills to the test.

DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword Puzzle: Test Your Knowledge About the Movie

Welcome to our blog where we bring you some exciting news and thrilling games about one of the most popular animated movies of all time – Zootopia. In this article, we have come up with a crossword puzzle game dedicated to one of the most popular characters of the movie, DMV animal.

DMV animal, played by a sloth, was one of the funniest characters in the movie Zootopia. He was slow but extremely honest and meticulous in carrying out his duties. He made everyone laugh with his unique style of working, and his contribution to the movie is unforgettable.

In this blog post, we will be testing your knowledge about the DMV animal. The crossword puzzle game is designed to help you reminisce about the moments you shared with the character and see how much you know about him.

The game is easy to play, and anyone can participate regardless of their age. We've put together some interesting facts and information about DMV animal that will help you solve the puzzle quickly and correctly.

Now, let's dive into the game and test your knowledge about the one and only DMV animal.

The clue for the first word of the puzzle is – The name of the place where DMV Sloth works. Do you remember the name of the department where DMV Sloth worked? If you do, then this should be an easy one. The answer is 'DMV.'

The next clue is – Name of the city where the movie Zootopia is set. This one is easy too. Do you remember the name of the city where the story of Zootopia unfolds? It's a no-brainer - 'Zootopia.'

Let's move on to the next clue – The name of DMV Sloth. Do you remember the name of the character played by the sloth? It's a bit tricky, but if you watched the movie, you should know the answer - 'Flash.'

As we move on, the game gets more challenging. We won't give away the answers to all the clues, but we assure you it's going to be an exciting experience, one you'll want to share with your friends and family.

Before we end this blog post, we would like to remind our readers that playing games and solving puzzles is an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and active. Crossword puzzles, in particular, have been hailed as a great tool to improve cognitive abilities such as memory, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills.

We hope that this blog post has been informative and entertaining for you. Don't forget to share your feedback on this article and the crossword puzzle game in the comments section below.

Until next time, happy gaming!

People Also Ask About DMV Animal in Zootopia Crossword

What is the DMV animal's name in Zootopia?

The DMV animal in Zootopia is called Flash, and he is a sloth.

What is Flash's job at the DMV in Zootopia?

Flash works as a clerk at the DMV in Zootopia. He reviews forms and processes licenses for drivers.

Why does Flash speak slowly in Zootopia?

Flash speaks slowly in Zootopia because he is a sloth, and sloths are known for their slow movement and speech. This is used for comedic effect in the film.

What role does Flash play in the plot of Zootopia?

Flash plays a supporting character in the film. He is responsible for providing Judy and Nick with information they need to solve a case involving missing mammals.

Is Flash the only DMV animal in Zootopia?

No, Flash is not the only DMV animal in Zootopia. Other animals seen working at the DMV include an elephant, a cheetah, and a yak.

Do any other characters interact with Flash in Zootopia?

Yes, several other characters interact with Flash in the film, including Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde and Chief Bogo.

Does Flash have any particular mannerisms that makes him stand out?

Yes, Flash's mannerisms, such as his extremely slow speech and movements, make him stand out and provide comic relief in the movie.

What is the significance of Flash's interaction with Judy and Nick in Zootopia?

Flash's interaction with Judy and Nick was significant because it helped them solve the case they were working on. His slow speech allowed Judy and Nick to process information that would have otherwise been overlooked.

  • Flash is the name of which animal in Zootopia?

  • Flash is the sloth working at the DMV in Zootopia.

  • What is Flash's job position at the DMV in Zootopia?

  • Flash works as a clerk at the DMV in Zootopia.

  • What is the significance of Flash's slow speech in Zootopia?

  • Flash's slow speech is used for comedic effect and helps Judy and Nick solve their case by allowing them to process important information.