Efficient and Timely Dead Animal Pick Up Services in Phoenix | Keep Your Property Clean and Safe with Our Expert Team


If you’re a resident of Phoenix, you may have come across dead animals on the streets and in public places. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in many cities. However, there’s a solution to this problem. What if I told you that there’s a dead animal pick up service in Phoenix that can help keep your city clean?

Firstly, let’s address the significance of keeping our environment clean. Did you know that a single dead animal left on the street for too long can cause diseases and attract more vermin? That’s why it’s important to contact a dead animal pick up service as soon as you spot one. Not only does it prevent the spread of disease, but it also keeps our city aesthetically pleasing.

Now you may be wondering, what exactly does the dead animal pick up service entail? It’s pretty simple. When you spot a dead animal, all you have to do is give them a call, and they’ll come and remove it within 24 hours. Yep, that’s right! You don’t have to lift a finger, and the process is hassle-free.

Some of you might be thinking, “Why can’t I just dispose of the dead animal myself?”. Well, here’s why. Firstly, dead animals can pose a health risk if not handled properly. Also, it’s illegal to dispose of them in common garbage bins. By hiring a dead animal pick up service, you can ensure that the animal is disposed of safely and legally.

Another question you might have is, “Is this service affordable?”. The answer is yes! Many people are surprised to find out that using a dead animal pick up service is cheaper than dealing with pest control and potential diseases that could spread from leaving a dead animal unattended. It’s a small investment that can save you from unwanted expenses in the future.

If you’re still not convinced that a dead animal pick-up service is worth it, consider this. Did you know that a rotting animal carcass can take several months to decompose? It can cause unbearable smells and invite scavengers like vultures and coyotes to your city, resulting in more problems. So why not prevent these issues by using a service that can remove the ominous presence for you within 24 hours?

The benefits of hiring a dead animal pick up service in Phoenix are undeniable. Not only does it benefit you, but it also benefits your community and the environment as a whole. So, next time you spot a dead animal on the street, don’t hesitate. Pick up the phone and call the professionals who can help.

In conclusion, having a dead animal pick up service in Phoenix offers a multitude of benefits. It keeps our city clean, prevents diseases, protects from potential expenses, and ensures the safety of our community and environment. Remember, a simple phone call can go a long way. Trust me; your nose and your fellow citizens will thank you.

Dead Animal Pick Up Phoenix: Proper Removal of Deceased Animals

It is an unfortunate event when we see dead animals on the road, near our homes, or in our yards. Dead animals can be an eyesore and can pose various health hazards to us. They can also attract scavenger animals like vultures and coyotes that may cause further problems. That’s why as responsible citizens, we must know the importance of proper dead animal pick up. In this article, we will discuss the dead animal pick-up service in Phoenix, Arizona, and how it works.

Why Dead Animal Pickup Matters?

Dead animals that have not been picked for a long time may begin to decompose, leading to unpleasant smells and the release of harmful bacteria that can easily spread in the environment. It may also attract animals that can carry infectious diseases like raccoons and rats. These animals can expose you to various pathogens that can cause serious health issues such as salmonella, hantavirus, and leptospirosis.

Who is Responsible for Dead Animal Pick Up in Phoenix?

The responsibility of removing deceased animals varies depending on their location. In the city of Phoenix, roadkill or dead animals outside private properties are usually the responsibilities of the Transportation Department. Meanwhile, dead animals inside residential or commercial properties fall under the responsibility of the owners. However, if you are not sure who to contact, you can always call the city’s dead animal pick-up hotline at (602) 262-6696 and ask for assistance.

What is the Process of Dead Animal Removal in Phoenix?

The process for dead animal pick up in Phoenix is fairly simple and straightforward. When someone calls the dead animal pick-up hotline, the crew dispatches the removal team to the site. The team collects and disposes the remains in sealed containers. They also sanitize the area and reset traps if necessary. If the deceased animal is a pet, they scan for microchips to contact the owner.

What Do You Need to Do Before Calling?

If you notice a dead animal on a public road in Phoenix, it is best to stay away from it and avoid touching it as much as possible. If the animal is inside your property, and it is safe for you to do so, you can wrap the deceased animal with a plastic bag before calling for help. This will help contain the odor and avoid further contamination.

How Long Does It Take for Dead Animal Pick Up in Phoenix?

The time for dead animal pick-up in Phoenix depends on the volume of requested removals. The city has a standard response time of 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. However, this may vary depending on the location and circumstances of the collection.

Can You Dispose of the Deceased Animal Yourself?

It is not advisable to dispose of the deceased animal yourself, especially if you do not have the proper equipment or tools. Dead animals, even small ones, can spread diseases such as rabies and Lyme disease through saliva, blood, and urine. There are also ordinances in the city of Phoenix that prohibit unauthorized disposal of animal remains. So, it is best to leave the dead animal pick up and disposal to the professionals.


Dead animal pick up is a critical service that must be performed promptly and appropriately. It can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, promote cleanliness in the community, and protect wildlife habitats. We must all do our part by being aware of the dead animal pick-up service in our area, calling for help when needed, and practicing proper hygiene and safety measures when dealing with deceased animals.

Dead Animal Pick Up Phoenix: A Comparison of Services


Living in Phoenix, Arizona, means being surrounded by wildlife. From coyotes and rattlesnakes to javelinas and bobcats, these animals are just a part of daily life. Unfortunately, sometimes animals do not make it across the road or pass away from natural causes. When this happens, it can be difficult to know what to do. Luckily, there are several services available that specialize in dead animal pick up.

Comparing Services

There are several options for dead animal removal in Phoenix, including city services, private companies, and nonprofit organizations. While each service is unique, they all offer the same basic function- removing dead animals from public spaces.

City Services

The City of Phoenix's Street Transportation Department operates a 24-hour hotline for dead animal pick up. Once a report is made, the department sends a crew to remove the animal within 24 hours. Additionally, the City of Phoenix has also contracted with Maricopa County Animal Care and Control to pick up dead animals in certain areas of the city.

Private Companies

Several private companies in Phoenix specialize in dead animal removal. These companies usually offer more specialized services, such as removing animals from private property or removing larger animals like horses or cows. Prices for these services vary depending on the size and location of the animal.

Nonprofit Organizations

There are also a handful of nonprofit organizations in Phoenix that provide dead animal removal services. One such organization is Fallen Feathers, which specializes in rehabilitating and releasing injured birds of prey. In addition to their rehabilitation services, Fallen Feathers also offers dead animal removal for birds of prey and other wildlife.

Cost Comparison

When comparing the cost of dead animal pick up services in Phoenix, there are several factors to consider. These include the size and location of the animal, as well as the service provider.

City Services

The City of Phoenix's dead animal pick up services are free of charge.

Private Companies

Private companies typically charge a fee for their services. Prices can range anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the size and location of the animal.

Nonprofit Organizations

Most nonprofit organizations that offer dead animal removal services do so for free or at a reduced cost.

Response Time Comparison

Another factor to consider when choosing a dead animal removal service is response time. When an animal has passed away, it is important to remove it as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease and unpleasant odors.

City Services

The City of Phoenix's Street Transportation Department aims to remove dead animals within 24 hours of receiving a report. However, this time frame can vary depending on the location and size of the animal.

Private Companies

Private companies usually offer a faster response time than city services, with some companies guaranteeing same-day pick up.

Nonprofit Organizations

Response time for nonprofit organizations can vary, as they often rely on volunteer resources. However, many organizations strive to pick up dead animals as soon as possible to prevent further harm.

Quality Comparison

Finally, the quality of service is an important factor to consider when choosing a dead animal removal provider. This includes not only the speed of pick up but also the professionalism of the service provided.

City Services

The City of Phoenix's dead animal pick up service is known for its prompt and efficient service. Additionally, the crews are trained to follow proper sanitation protocols to prevent the spread of disease.

Private Companies

The quality of service offered by private companies can vary. It is important to do research and read reviews before choosing a provider.

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations that offer dead animal pick up services are often staffed by volunteers who are dedicated to animal welfare. As such, they may provide a more personalized and compassionate service.


At the end of the day, choosing a dead animal removal service in Phoenix comes down to your individual priorities. If cost is a concern, city services or nonprofit organizations may be the best option. If response time is important, a private company may be the better choice. Regardless, it is comforting to know that there are several services available in Phoenix that can help remove deceased animals from public spaces.

Tips and Tutorial on Dead Animal Pick Up in Phoenix


Encountering dead animals within the vicinity can be a significant problem, not just for aesthetic reasons but also for health concerns. Dead animals such as raccoons, skunks, and squirrels, among others, can attract flies and other pests, release bad odors, and pose health risks to people and pets. Thus, knowing how to handle dead animal pick-up correctly is essential.

Identifying the Type of Animal

Before picking up a dead animal, it's crucial to identify the type of animal first. Different types of dead animals require different handling methods. For instance, larger animals like deer and coyotes have to be picked up by professionals, while smaller ones such as rats and mice can be managed by the homeowner themselves.

Preparing for Pick-Up

Before handling any dead animal, safety measures must be established. Wear a pair of gloves and a mask to prevent unknown substances from entering the body through a cut or pore. Additionally, it would help if you had sanitizers and cleaning materials to disinfect the area after the pick-up.

Picking Up a Dead Animal

When picking up a dead animal, avoid direct contact with the creature by using a shovel or a broom to put it in a bag. If the animal is too heavy, call an animal control service provider to take care of the removal. After picking up the animal, double-check if any additional remains are left in the area.

Disposing of the Dead Animal

After the pick-up, the dead animal should be disposed of promptly, preventing further contamination of the surroundings. Most areas require the dead animal to be placed in a bio-hazard bag and disposed of at a local dumpsite. Avoid throwing the dead animal in the trash, as this can attract other pests and endanger public health.

Cleaning Up the Area

After disposing of the dead animal, it's vital to clean and sanitize the surrounding area. Use bleach or disinfectant to clean the place where the animal was found, including nearby surfaces that could have been contaminated during handling. This will prevent the spread of diseases from the dead animal.

Preventing Future Incidents

To avoid future incidents, identify why the animal died. For example, if the animal appeared to be covered in oil, it could be due to contamination from a nearby spill. Additionally, keep food trash in sealed containers and make sure pet food is not left out to prevent attracting animals into the property.

When to Call for Professional Help

If the dead animal is too large, it might require professional help for removal and disposal. If there are multiple dead animals within the area, contact a pest control service to identify the underlying cause and prevent further incidents.


Dead animal pick-up is an essential task for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. It's important to take the necessary safety precautions when picking up a dead animal to avoid any health risks. Properly disposing of the dead animal and cleaning up the area will ensure that diseases won't spread. Finally, if you encounter difficulties in picking up the dead animal yourself, don't hesitate to call for professional help.

Dead Animal Pick-Up Phoenix: How to Properly Dispose of Dead Animals

When it comes to dead animals, it's important to know how to properly dispose of them. Not only can they pose health hazards if left unattended, but they can also be a danger to other animals and cause unpleasant odors.

In Phoenix, AZ, the city offers a dead animal pick-up service for residents. However, there are guidelines and procedures that need to be followed in order to utilize this service effectively.

If you come across a dead animal on your property or in the street, it's important to take action as soon as possible to ensure the safety of others and prevent the spread of diseases.

The first step in the process is to call the City of Phoenix's Dead Animal Hotline at (602) 262-7844. This hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will dispatch a team to remove the animal.

It's important to provide the hotline operator with as much information as possible about the location and condition of the animal. This will help the team respond quickly and efficiently.

While waiting for the team to arrive, it's important to keep a safe distance from the animal and avoid touching it. Dead animals can carry diseases such as rabies, and you don't want to put yourself at risk.

Once the team arrives, they will remove the animal and dispose of it according to city regulations. The animal will either be taken to a landfill or another designated facility for proper disposal.

It's important to note that the city's dead animal removal service only applies to animals found on public property or in the street. If you have a dead animal on your private property, you will need to dispose of it yourself.

The city offers a few options for private property disposal. You can bury the animal on your property (as long as it's at least two feet deep and not within 100 feet of a well), take it to a landfill, or hire a private contractor to dispose of it for you.

When burying a dead animal on your property, it's important to follow any zoning regulations and avoid burying it near any water sources. It's also a good idea to cover the burial site with lime to help prevent odors and deter other animals from digging it up.

Another important consideration is the size of the animal. You may need to hire a professional to dispose of larger animals, such as deer or horses, due to their size and weight.

In addition to following proper disposal procedures, it's important to take steps to prevent dead animals in the first place. This includes disposing of food waste properly, securing trash cans to prevent animals from accessing them, and keeping your property free of potential hazards.

Remember, dead animals can pose health risks and create unpleasant odors if left unattended. By following proper disposal procedures and taking preventative measures, you can help keep your community safe and clean.

In conclusion, if you come across a dead animal in Phoenix, AZ, remember to call the City of Phoenix's Dead Animal Hotline at (602) 262-7844. Provide as much information as possible and keep a safe distance from the animal. If you have a dead animal on your private property, you will need to dispose of it yourself, following proper zoning and regulation procedures. By taking these steps, you can help maintain a safe and healthy community for all residents.

People Also Ask About Dead Animal Pick Up Phoenix

What is Dead Animal Pickup in Phoenix?

Dead Animal Pickup in Phoenix is the procedure of removing animal carcasses from public roadways, sidewalks, and other public places. It is the responsibility of local authorities to ensure that dead animals are picked up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease and avert any dangers to people or wildlife.

Who Should I Contact for Dead Animal Pickup in Phoenix?

You can contact the city's Solid Waste Management Department at (602) 262-7251 for dead animal pickup services in Phoenix. You can report all dead animals, including dogs, cats, birds, skunks, raccoons, and other large animals, by calling this number or by submitting an online request through the city's website.

What Happens to Dead Animals That Are Picked Up in Phoenix?

Once dead animals picked up in Phoenix, they are taken to a local landfill for proper disposal. The landfill gives the necessary solution for dead animals based on the type and size of the animal. Small animals such as dogs, cats, and birds are directly placed and buried in the disposal area while large animals are given special treatment to be sure that there will be no harm to the environment.

Is There a Charge for Dead Animal Pickup in Phoenix?

There is no charge for dead animals picked up in Phoenix. It is a free service offered to residents of Phoenix to ensure that public health and safety are maintained and that the city remains clean and healthy.

How Long Does It Take for Dead Animals to be picked up in Phoenix?

Dead animals usually get picked up within 24 hours after receiving a request. However, it depends on the volume of calls and how many pickups are scheduled for a day. If you notice a dead animal in public places, you should report it as soon as possible so that it can be picked up promptly to prevent any harm to the environment or public health issues.

What Steps Should I Take if I Find a Dead Animal on My Property in Phoenix?

If you find a dead animal on your property in Phoenix, you must contact a local pest control company or Animal Control officer if the animal is not yours. In case the animal belongs to you and it's large, you can call the Solid Waste Management Department to schedule a free pickup.

In conclusion:

  • Dead Animal Pickup in Phoenix is essential for public health and safety reasons
  • You can contact the Solid Waste Management Department for dead animals pickup services in Phoenix
  • There are no charges for dead animal pickups in Phoenix
  • Dead animals usually get picked up within 24 hours