Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal: Celebrate the Holiday with Fun and Humor!


No holiday exudes warmth and happiness quite like Thanksgiving. A day to gather with loved ones, eat delicious food, and reflect on all the things we have to be grateful for. But what about injecting a little humor into the festivities? That's where Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal comes in.

This iconic phrase, taken from the classic movie Home Alone, has become a staple of Thanksgiving memes and decorations. And while some may find it crude or inappropriate, it's hard to deny that it adds a touch of levity to an otherwise traditional holiday.

So why do we love this phrase so much? Perhaps it's because it acknowledges a certain level of chaos and messiness that often accompanies familial gatherings. Or maybe it's just because it's funny to hear someone say filthy animal while passing the turkey.

Regardless of the reason, it's clear that Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal has become synonymous with holiday cheer. And if you're not convinced yet, here are a few reasons why you should embrace this festive catchphrase:

Firstly, it's a great ice breaker. Are you meeting new family members or friends of friends for the first time? Use Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal as a way to lighten the mood and break down barriers.

Secondly, it sets the tone for a relaxed and fun atmosphere. By injecting a little humor into the day, you can create an environment where everyone feels at ease and can enjoy themselves without feeling pressured to adhere to certain holiday expectations.

Thirdly, it's a way to show your appreciation for non-traditional forms of holiday entertainment. Sure, watching football or cooking shows may be the norm, but throwing an iconic movie quote into the mix can spice things up in unexpected ways.

But what if you're still unsure about using Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal at your festivities? Here are a few tips for making it work:

Start small. If you're not ready to go all-in with a banner or centerpiece featuring the phrase, start by using it in conversation or in a text message to a close friend or family member.

Be aware of your audience. While some people may appreciate the irreverence of the phrase, others may find it offensive or distasteful. Make sure you know your audience before using it in a public setting.

Use it sparingly. Like any good catchphrase, Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal can lose its impact if overused. Use it strategically and sparingly throughout the day.

So there you have it - a case for embracing Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal this holiday season. Whether you're a diehard fan of the Home Alone movies or simply looking for a way to inject a little humor into your Thanksgiving festivities, this festive catchphrase is sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces.

So go ahead, try it out. Say it to your grandma, your kids, your pets - heck, even your turkey. Because at the end of the day, Thanksgiving is about coming together and creating memories that will last a lifetime. And what better way to do that than with a little bit of humor and a whole lot of love?

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

Thanksgiving is a special day that brings together family and friends to share a meal and appreciate the good things in life. It's a time to express gratitude for all that we have and, of course, stuff ourselves with delicious food. This year, however, there's a fun twist to the traditional greeting. By saying Happy Thanksgiving you filthy animal, you add some humor and reference a classic holiday movie.

The History Behind You Filthy Animal

Firstly, let's take a look at the origin of the phrase you filthy animal. This quote comes from the popular Christmas movie, Home Alone. A young Kevin McCallister (played by Macaulay Culkin) is home alone and defends his house from burglars Harry and Marv. One of the movies playing on TV features a scene where the protagonist, gangster Johnny, utters the line Keep the change, ya filthy animal before unloading his gun.

Since its release, this quote (along with other Home Alone catchphrases) has been adopted into pop culture, cropping up in countless memes, posts, and even clothing. It's become a casual way of teasing our friends and making them laugh.

Why Say You Filthy Animal on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is typically a day where formalities are put aside, and people relax with their loved ones. The mood is festive, and we tend to let our guards down. In that context, saying something silly like You filthy animal can be a lighthearted way to break the ice and set the tone for a fun holiday get-together.

Plus, the quote is reminiscent of Keep the change, which refers to tipping a delivery person. Since Thanksgiving often involves ordering food for delivery, You Filthy Animal may be another way to show appreciation for the people that bring us our meals.

Alternatives to Saying Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

While it can be fun to mix things up by saying Happy Thanksgiving, You Filthy Animal, keep in mind that this language may be inappropriate or offensive to some people. Thus, if you are concerned about offending others, you might want to try some alternative expressions. Here are some ideas:

  • Have a Happy Turkey Day!
  • Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • Hope your holiday is full of joy and gratitude!

There are countless other ways to express holiday well-wishes, so don't be afraid to get creative! Choose something that feels authentic to you and won't upset anyone at the table.

Celebrating Thanksgiving Safely in 2021

Of course, given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Thanksgiving celebrations may look a little different this year. Health experts recommend that individuals continue to practice social distancing, wash hands frequently, and wear masks in public places, especially if unvaccinated. If you're hosting a gathering, you might also consider holding it outside where there's better air circulation.

If you aren't able to be with your friends and family on Thanksgiving, there are plenty of other ways to celebrate remotely. Consider setting up a virtual call or playing online games together. You could even coordinate a meal delivery, so you can all share the same foods, even from afar.


In summary, saying Happy Thanksgiving you filthy animal might not be the most traditional greeting, but it can be a fun way to add some humor and excitement to the holiday. Remember, though, that not everyone will appreciate such a casual greeting, so consider your audience and choose something that works for everyone. Finally, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of gratitude, love, and good food.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal: A Comparison Blog Article


Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated holidays in America. It is a time for families, friends, and loved ones to gather together and give thanks for all the blessings they have received. However, with the ongoing pandemic, traditional celebrations may have to take a backseat this year. Enter Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal, a new way to celebrate the holiday while adhering to social distancing protocols. In this blog article, we will compare this unique concept with the traditional Thanksgiving celebration.


The phrase Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal is derived from a famous scene in the movie Home Alone 2. The film's main character, Kevin McCallister, watches a movie titled Angels with Filthy Souls, in which the character Johnny shoots another character while saying the now-iconic line. Since then, the phrase has become a popular Thanksgiving meme, spawning merchandise, decorations, and even party themes.

The Traditional Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition that dates back to the early days of America. It is a day when families and friends come together to share a meal, usually consisting of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. The day is filled with activities such as watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, playing football, and giving thanks for the past year's blessings.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Thanksgiving Celebrations

Pros Cons
Family bonding time Expensive (food, travel, decorations)
Traditional holiday activities Difficult to plan for large families
Delicious food Excessive amounts of food waste

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal is a new way to celebrate the holiday while adhering to social distancing protocols. It is a virtual event that allows participants to share their experiences with others via social media platforms or Zoom calls. The concept may involve wearing themed costumes, creating festive decorations, and sharing Thanksgiving recipes.

Pros and Cons of Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

Pros Cons
Socially distant No physical interaction
Cost-effective No personal touch
Flexible schedule Tech difficulties


Both traditional Thanksgiving celebrations and Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal have their pros and cons. Traditional celebrations offer a chance for families to bond, indulge in delicious food, and engage in traditional holiday activities. However, they can be expensive, difficult to plan for large families, and result in excessive food waste. Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal, on the other hand, is cost-effective, socially distant, and provides more flexibility in terms of scheduling. However, it lacks the personal touch of physical interactions, tech difficulties may arise, and no food will be shared.


In conclusion, whether you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving traditionally or by embracing the Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal concept, the most important thing is to be grateful and thankful for the blessings that you have received throughout the year. The holiday serves as a reminder to appreciate what we have and to give back to others less fortunate than us. Ultimately, the celebration should be meaningful and memorable, regardless of the style.

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal: Tips and Tutorial for a Perfect Celebration


Thanksgiving is a special time of the year where everybody gathers to share good food and memories. It's a holiday that's rich in tradition and good vibes. One of the movies that became associated with this holiday is Home Alone, specifically the scene where Kevin plays an old movie called Angels with Filthy Souls. In it, the character Johnny shoots a man and says, Keep the change, you filthy animal. Thus, the line happy Thanksgiving you filthy animal has become popular. On this article, we're going to tackle how to celebrate Thanksgiving with some easy tips and tutorials.

Making the perfect turkey

The turkey is the star of the Thanksgiving dinner, and making it perfectly can make or break your celebration. One of the best ways to do this is to brine it at least two days before cooking. You can create brine from salt, brown sugar, garlic, and bay leaves. There are different tutorials online to guide you through this process, but doing it will make your turkey tender and flavorful.


If you need to cook the turkey faster, you can spatchcock it or cut the backbone to lay it flat. Another tip is to stuff the turkey with aromatics like onions, celery, and carrots to add more flavor. Basting it with butter and herbs are also great ways to make a crispy, golden skin.

Creating a beautiful tablescape

Your table setting is almost as crucial as the food you’ll serve. It sets the mood and ambiance essential to the gathering. One way to create an inviting tablescape is to play with floral centerpieces, candles, and colors that match your theme. Remember to choose dishware that's elegant yet practical.


Choose a color palette that reflects autumn hues like burnt orange, red, and brown. Place neutral linens that won't overpower the entire setup. You can mix and match different textures like wood, glass, and metal. Use candles with fall scents like cinnamon, and don't be afraid to experiment with various flower varieties and vases.

Preparing easy side dishes

Aside from the turkey, you need good side dishes to compliment it. Making them doesn't have to be complicated. Some of the easiest ones are mashed potatoes, stuffing, roasted vegetables, and cranberry sauce.


Make mashed potatoes creamier by using warm milk instead of cold. Adding sour cream and roasted garlic also make a difference in taste. For stuffing, you can use premade bread cubes mixed with chopped vegetables and herbs. For roasted vegetables, coat them with olive oil and sea salt, and add balsamic glaze or honey for sweetness. Finally, you can make cranberry sauce by boiling fresh cranberries with sugar and adding orange zest.

Making delicious desserts

Thanksgiving is a great time to indulge in sweet treats after a hearty dinner. Classic desserts that suits this occasion include pumpkin pie, apple crisp, pecan pie, and chocolate mousse.


Add extra flavor to your pumpkin pie by adding vanilla extract, nutmeg, and cinnamon. For apple crisp, add oats and caramel to the streusel topping for more texture. Pecan pie is delicious on its own, but adding bourbon or chocolate chips can make it even better. Finally, you can make an effortless chocolate mousse with just heavy cream, sugar, and chocolate chips.

Entertaining your guests

Aside from food and decorations, you should also think about entertainment. Since Thanksgiving is all about bonding and expressing gratitude, you can play games that reflect this like what are you grateful for, charades, or thanksgiving bingo.


You can also have a craft corner where your guests can make mini wreaths, paper turkeys, or gratitude jars. Another idea is to watch thanksgiving movies like Home Alone, Charlie Brown, or Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.


Thanksgiving is a holiday that requires preparation, but it's all worth it in the end when you see your loved ones enjoying their dinner, chatting, and having fun. By following these tips and tutorials, you can ensure that your celebration will run smoothly and be memorable. Happy Thanksgiving, you filthy animals!

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

Thanksgiving is that time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate and give thanks for all that they have. It is a time when we gather around the table, enjoy some delicious food, share stories, and make memories. However, this year seems to be a little different. The world is facing challenging times that have affected every aspect of our lives. Nevertheless, it is important to keep the tradition alive and be grateful for all that we have. So, this Thanksgiving, I would like to wish you, Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal, and remind you of the things we should be thankful for.

First and foremost, we should be grateful for our health. The pandemic has taught us the importance of taking care of our bodies. We are grateful for those who have recovered from the virus and those who haven't contracted it yet. We thank our healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to keep us safe. We should also be grateful for the advancements in science that have helped us deal with this pandemic.

We should also be thankful for the roof over our heads. Having a warm and comfortable home to live in is a blessing. With so many people losing their jobs and being forced to live on the streets, we should count our blessings. As we tuck ourselves into bed tonight, let's remember to say a little prayer for those who are less fortunate than us.

Another thing we should be grateful for is our family and friends. They are the ones who stand by us through thick and thin. Even though we may not be able to gather together physically due to the pandemic, technology has made it possible for us to stay connected. Let's cherish the moments we get to spend with them, even if it is through a screen.

We should also be grateful for the freedom we have. We live in a world where we are free to express our opinions, practice our religion and be who we want to be. This is not the case for many people around the world. We should take a moment to appreciate the sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedoms.

Food is an essential part of Thanksgiving. We should be thankful for the farmers who work tirelessly to produce the food we eat. We should also remember those who are struggling to put food on their tables. So, this year, let's donate to a local food bank and help those in need.

Education is another thing we should be grateful for. With so many people around the world being denied an education, we should appreciate the opportunities we have. This year has been challenging for students, teachers, and parents alike. Nevertheless, they have managed to adapt to the changes and continue to learn. We should be proud of their perseverance.

Let's not forget the little things that bring us joy. It could be a good book, a warm cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, or a cuddle with a pet. These little moments may seem insignificant, but they add up to make life beautiful.

This Thanksgiving, let's also be grateful for our planet. The beauty of nature is something that we often take for granted. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let's take a moment to appreciate the trees, the flowers, and the wildlife that make our world special. Let's also do our part in protecting our planet for future generations.

Finally, let's be grateful for our resilience. The pandemic has been tough on everyone, but we have managed to come this far. We have adapted to the changes, we have supported one another, and we have shown that we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. Let's be proud of ourselves.

In conclusion, even though this Thanksgiving may be different from what we are used to, let's find joy in the things we have. Let's be grateful for our health, our home, our family, our freedom, our food, our education, our joy, our planet, and our resilience. Let's remember that we are blessed in many ways. With that said, I would like to say once again, Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal.

Stay safe and have a joyous Thanksgiving!

People Also Ask About Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal

What does Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal mean?

Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal is a reference to a fictional movie within a movie from the 1992 American Christmas comedy film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. The character Kevin McCallister flipped on the television in his hotel room and found himself watching Angels with Filthy Souls, a parody of the gritty gangster films of the 1930s. One of the iconic lines delivered by the lead character, Johnny, is Keep the change, you filthy animal.

Where did the phrase Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal come from?

The phrase Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal is derived from a line in the movie Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. It has since become a popular catchphrase during the holiday season and is often used jokingly among friends and family.

Is saying Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal offensive?

Some people may find the phrase Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal offensive or inappropriate as it includes the word filthy, which can be considered derogatory. However, the phrase is predominately used in a light-hearted, comedic way and is not intended to be disrespectful towards anyone. As with any expression, it's important to know your audience before using the phrase to avoid any misunderstandings.

How can I use Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal in a sentence?

Here are some ways you can use Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal in a sentence:

  1. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, you filthy animals!
  2. Time to put on 'Home Alone 2' and greet my guests with a 'Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal'.
  3. I can't wait to use my new 'Happy Thanksgiving You Filthy Animal' coffee mug tomorrow!

What are some other holiday catchphrases?

Here are some of the most popular holiday catchphrases:

  • Merry Christmas!
  • Happy Hanukkah!
  • Feliz Navidad!
  • Season's Greetings!
  • Happy Holidays!