I Think I'm An Animal: Discovering the Fascinating World of Therianthropy


Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like you were looking at an animal staring back at you? Or perhaps you have always had an inexplicable connection to a particular species of creatures that you just can't shake off? If so, then you might be experiencing what is known as therianthropy - a phenomenon in which individuals believe that they are, in some way, an animal.

The sensation of feeling more animal than human is not a new one nor is it uncommon. Throughout history, people have reported feeling like they were a wolf, a bird, a lion, or even a reptile. However, it has only been recently that therianthropy has come to the forefront of scientific research, prompting many questions about the nature of human identity and self-concept.

Some people may dismiss therianthropes as merely eccentric individuals with over-active imaginations. However, studies have shown that therianthropy is a genuine experience, involving a deep emotional connection to a non-human entity. And contrary to popular belief, it is not a mental illness nor a delusion, but rather an identity that is as authentic as any other.

For those who identify as therian, their animal identities play a significant role in their daily lives. They may wear animal ears or tails, or even paws or claws, as a way of expressing their animalistic side. They may also engage in activities that allow them to connect with their animal self, such as running around on all fours or howling at the moon.

It's not just wolves or tigers, but also various fictional animals of anime, movies, or television shows, such as nekos and kitsune from Japanese culture, that some people feel connected to. Some may even identify as creatures that only exist in myth and legend, such as unicorns, dragons, and mermaids.

The question that arises, of course, is why people feel this way. Unfortunately, there are no clear cut answers, but plenty of theories abound. Some experts suggest that it may be a result of extreme empathy with animals, perhaps rooted in childhood experiences or traumas. Others point to a psychological phenomenon known as identification, whereby a person identifies with another being rather than themselves.

Despite the lack of concrete explanations, however, therianthropes continue to emerge, highlighting the complexities of human identity. Though they may be a minority, their experiences have helped to open up discussions and investigations into the nature of our self-concept and how it relates to non-human entities.

If you think you might be an animal deep down, don't worry - you are not alone. More and more people are coming out of the woodwork about their therian identities, and online communities are offering support and camaraderie to those who need it. By embracing your animalistic side, you might just unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

So the next time you feel like you were born in the wrong species, or find yourself gravitating towards certain animals, remember that there is nothing wrong with you. Instead, be proud of your unique perspective and embrace the fullness of your identity - both human and animal.

I Think I'm An Animal

Have you ever felt like you don't fit in with other humans? Like you have more in common with animals than with people? If you have, you're not alone. Many people feel that they are animals in human bodies or identify as otherkin.

What is Otherkin?

Otherkin is a subculture of people who believe they have non-human identities, either partially or entirely. They may believe they are spiritual or mythical creatures, animals, or even inanimate objects. These beliefs are often rooted in spiritual or psychological experiences.

My Personal Experience

I first discovered the concept of otherkin when I was a teenager. I had a deep connection with wolves and often dreamed of running wild in the forest. I felt like I understood them in a way that most humans didn't. It wasn't until I stumbled upon online communities of otherkin that I realized that there were others like me.

Over time, I began to identify more and more with wolves. I started to shift my behavior towards more animalistic tendencies. For example, I preferred to sleep on the floor instead of a bed and I would often eat meat raw. I even found myself howling at the moon on occasion.

The Reactions of Others

When I first opened up to my friends about my identity, they didn't know what to make of it. Some shrugged it off as a phase, while others thought I was crazy. It wasn't until I found a community of otherkin online that I found acceptance and understanding.

Of course, not everyone is going to be accepting of otherkin. Some people will mock or dismiss your feelings outright. It's important to remember that your identity is valid, and you don't have to justify it to anyone else.

Why Do People Identify as Otherkin?

The reasons for otherkin identification are as varied as the individuals themselves. Some people feel like they were born in the wrong body and identify more with animals than humans. Others believe that they have spiritual connections to a particular animal or creature.

For me, identifying as otherkin is a way to embrace my animal instincts and connect more deeply with the natural world. It allows me to break free from societal expectations and connect with something primal within myself.

Can Otherkin Be Harmful?

Like any subculture, there are always going to be people who take things too far. Some otherkin engage in dangerous behavior, such as self-harm or eating raw meat. It's important to remember that these actions are not a reflection of otherkin identity as a whole.

Additionally, some otherkin may feel ostracized from society and may struggle with mental health issues. It's important to seek support if you feel overwhelmed or alone.

In Conclusion

If you identify as otherkin, know that you are not alone. There is a community of people out there who share your feelings and experiences. While not everyone will accept or understand your identity, it's important to be true to yourself and embrace what makes you unique.

Comparison Blog Article: I Think I'm an Animal


Humans have always been fascinated by animals. Their nature, behavior, and survival instincts intrigue us. But what happens when humans start thinking that they are animals themselves? This phenomenon is not new, and it has been documented in different cultures throughout history. In this article, we will compare and contrast the experience of individuals who identify as animals and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon.

Definition and Characteristics of Furry Fandom

The furry fandom is a subculture of people who have an interest in anthropomorphic animals. Anthropomorphism refers to the attribution of human characteristics and behavior to animals. Members of the furry fandom often create anthropomorphic characters called fursonas, which they use to express themselves and socialize with others who share the same interest. Many furries also attend conventions or online communities where they can display their artwork and costumes.

Table 1: Furry Fandom

Keywords Opinion
Fursonas Help individuals express themselves and find like-minded communities.
Conventions Provide opportunities to showcase artwork and costumes.
Anthropomorphism Allows individuals to embody animal traits and characteristics.

Mental Health and Identity

Some individuals who identify as animals report feeling more comfortable in their fursonas than in their human bodies. They may experience a disconnection from their human identity or feel that they were born in the wrong body. This phenomenon has some similarities with gender dysphoria, which is a condition where individuals feel a disconnect between their assigned sex and gender identity. However, it is essential to differentiate between these two conditions as identifying as an animal isn't necessarily related to gender identity.

Table 2: Mental Health and Identity

Keywords Opinion
Comfort in fursonas Indicates that individuals experience distress or dysphoria in their human bodies.
Disconnection from human identity May stem from mental health or trauma issues.
Difference from gender dysphoria Shouldn't be conflated, as it's a different phenomenon.

Internet and Social Media

The rise of social media and online communities has contributed to the visibility and acceptance of the furry fandom and other animal identities. People can create anonymous profiles or find groups and events that cater to their interests. However, the internet also has its drawbacks, as it can lead to cyberbullying, harassment, and ostracism. Some individuals have reported being fired or discriminated against because of their furry identity.

Table 3: Internet and Social Media

Keywords Opinion
Visibility and acceptance More people can find likeminded communities and feel accepted.
Cyberbullying and harassment Online interactions may lead to derogatory comments, trolling, or hate speech.
Discrimination Some individuals report being fired or mistreated because of their furry identity.

Legal and Ethical Aspects

The legality and ethics of identifying as an animal raise some questions. For example, should people be allowed to change their legal name to match their fursona? Should employers make accommodations for employees who wear fursuits to work? How are animal identities treated in mental health diagnoses or treatments? Some individuals argue that identifying as an animal is a personal choice that doesn't harm anyone else. Others claim that it's a sign of mental illness or deviant behavior that should be treated medically or legally.

Table 4: Legal and Ethical Aspects

Keywords Opinion
Personal choice Believe that identifying as an animal is a legitimate form of self-expression.
Mental illness or deviant behavior Consider identifying as an animal to be abnormal or pathological.
Legal and ethical issues Raise questions about the boundaries of individual rights and social norms.


In conclusion, identifying as an animal is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that deserves further study and understanding. It can offer individuals a sense of self-expression, belonging, or liberation from their human identity. At the same time, it may lead to stigma, discrimination, or mental health issues. As society evolves, we need to engage in constructive dialogue and foster empathy for different forms of human experience.

I Think I'm an Animal: How to Deal with Therianthropy


If you feel like you are an animal trapped in a human body, you might be what is called a therian. Such a phenomenon is called 'therianthropy,' and many people worldwide report experiencing it. This condition can manifest in different forms, including experiencing mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual sensations of being an animal. In this article, we will discuss some tips for dealing with therianthropy.

Understand your Condition

The first step to dealing with therianthropy is to understand the facts. While this condition may seem confusing or bizarre, it is a legitimate psychological phenomenon that affects many individuals worldwide. Most therians believe that they have an animal spirit within them, leading them to experience various sensations of being an animal.

Find a Support System

Therianthropy can be a lonely and isolating experience; however, it is essential to find support from like-minded individuals. You may find others who share your beliefs or experiences in online communities, forums, or even in-person meetups. Talking to someone who understands what you are going through can be very beneficial in emotional healing.

Be Secure in your Identity

Knowing that you identify as a therian is just as important as understanding what that entails. Feel secure in your identity and embrace the fact that you are an individual with unique experiences. If someone challenges your beliefs or makes you feel uncomfortable, do not feel pressured to justify yourself or conform to societal norms.

Explore your Animal Side

If you are a therian, you may wish to explore your animal side. This may involve exploring your animal instincts, practicing behaviors that feel natural to your animal, or simply embracing your non-human qualities. Finding healthy ways to express your animal self can help reduce anxiety and tension.

Seek Therapy

Therapy is an invaluable resource to individuals dealing with therianthropy. Many psychologists specialize in helping their patients understand and manage the condition. If you are struggling to cope with your feelings, consider seeking out a therapist who can help.

Coping Techniques:


Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve mental health. It allows for a physical release of energy that can improve your overall mood. Plus, it is an excellent opportunity to connect with your animal side by exploring activities that are natural to the human body, such as running or climbing trees.

Therapeutic Writing

Journaling is an excellent way to process your emotions and connect with your animal side. Through writing, you may discover new insights into your condition and learn to develop coping mechanisms that work for you.

Creative Expression

Creative expression, such as art or music, can provide an outlet for expressing your non-human self. You may use your art to explore themes related to your condition, connect with others in the community, or simply enjoy the therapeutic benefits of creating something beautiful.


Therianthropy can be a confusing and sometimes lonely experience, but it need not be so. With the tips discussed in this article, you can learn to live comfortably with your condition and even find joy in it. Remember to stay true to yourself, seek support, and seek professional counsel when necessary. Therianthropy is not a disorder, but merely a unique aspect of the human experience, and by embracing it, you can achieve greater self-awareness and live more wholly.

I Think I'm An Animal

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on the phenomenon of individuals who believe they are animals. As we explored in this piece, therianthropy is a real and deeply personal experience for those who identify as non-human entities. While the concept may seem foreign or even strange to some people, it is important to approach these individuals with respect and understanding.

Throughout this article, we have discussed several different aspects of therianthropy, including the psychological, spiritual, and community components. We have also touched on the challenges that therians face in a society that largely views them as abnormal or even insane.

As we move forward as a society, it is essential that we continue to destigmatize experiences like therianthropy and embrace the diversity of human identity. While it can be tempting to dismiss something that we may not understand or agree with, it is our responsibility to approach these situations with compassion and empathy.

For anyone who may be reading this article and struggling with their own feelings of connection to animals, I encourage you to seek out resources and support from within the therian community. Whether through online forums or in-person meetups, there are people who understand what you are going through and can offer guidance and reassurance.

It is important to note that there is no right or wrong way to experience therianthropy. Every individual's journey is unique and valid, and it is up to each person to determine what feels true to them. It is also important to recognize that therianthropy is not a mental illness, but rather a legitimate and valid identity.

While it may be difficult for those outside of the community to fully comprehend the experience of therianthropy, it is not our place to judge or belittle those who identify in this way. Ultimately, our role as allies is to support and uplift these individuals as they navigate their place in the world.

Again, thank you for taking the time to learn more about the complex and nuanced experience of therianthropy. I hope that this article has provided insight and understanding into a topic that is often misunderstood.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their identity as a therian, please know that there is help available. Resources such as the Therian Guide and the Werelist offer support and guidance for individuals on their therianthropy journey.

Let us work together to create a more inclusive, accepting, and compassionate world for all individuals, regardless of how they identify.

People Also Ask about I Think I'm An Animal

What is I Think I'm An Animal?

I Think I'm An Animal is a term used to describe people who believe that they're non-human at some level. They may identify as an animal species or feel like they have an animal spirit.

Is I Think I'm An Animal a mental disorder?

I Think I'm An Animal is not classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, some psychologists may diagnose it as a type of identity disorder or a delusional disorder if it significantly impairs the individual's ability to function in daily life.

What causes someone to think they're an animal?

The exact cause of someone thinking they're an animal is still unknown. However, it's thought to be related to underlying psychological or neurological factors. Some people who identify as animals report experiencing feelings of displacement from their human bodies or disconnection from human society, leading them to identify more strongly with animal characteristics and instincts.

Can someone change from identifying as an animal to identifying as human?

As it is not a formal diagnosis and does not have a set treatment method, there is no guarantee that someone can change their identity from that of an animal to a human. It may be helpful to explore the root cause of their identity and work on coping mechanisms to help them better function in society while still embracing their identity.

Is it possible for someone to physically transform into an animal?

No, it is not scientifically possible for humans to physically transform into animals. Identity and behavior do not affect physical transformation.

How can I support someone who believes they're an animal?

Supporting someone who believes they're an animal involves being accepting and understanding of their identity. It may be helpful to listen to them and allow them to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment. Encourage them to seek out a therapist who has experience dealing with identity-related issues if necessary.

Are there any online communities or forums for people who identify as an animal?

Yes, there are online communities and forums where people can connect with others who identify as animals. However, it's crucial to exercise caution when engaging with these groups and to prioritize one's safety and well-being. Do research on the group and its members before interacting with them.