Protect Your Drainage System with an Animal Guard for Drainage Pipes


Do you have a problem with animals getting into your drainage pipes? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with this issue, and it can be frustrating and expensive to deal with. But there is a solution: animal guard for drainage pipes.

Animal guard is a device that fits over the opening of your drainage pipe, preventing animals from crawling inside. It's an easy and effective way to protect your pipes, and it's much cheaper than dealing with the damage caused by animals.

So what kind of animals are we talking about? Rats, mice, squirrels, and even raccoons are known to crawl into drainage pipes in search of shelter or food. Once inside, they can cause blockages and damage to the pipes, which can lead to costly repairs.

But with animal guard in place, these creatures won't be able to get inside. The guard is made from sturdy materials that can withstand the weight of even the largest animals, so you can rest assured that your pipes will stay protected.

Not only does animal guard protect your pipes, but it also protects the animals themselves. Crawling into a drainage pipe can be dangerous for them, as they can become trapped or injured. Animal guard ensures that they stay out of harm's way.

Installing animal guard is a simple process that can be done quickly and easily. You don't need any professional help or special tools – just a few basic supplies and some DIY know-how.

And the best part? Animal guard is affordable. You'll save money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and replacements, and the device itself is very reasonably priced.

Don't let animals wreak havoc on your drainage pipes any longer. Invest in animal guard today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your pipes and property are protected.

So what are you waiting for? Order your animal guard today and say goodbye to pesky critters in your drainage pipes. Your pipes – and your wallet – will thank you.

Drainage systems play an essential role in removing excess water from our properties and maintaining the overall health of our environment. However, often these drainage pipes become a habitat for small animals who use them as burrows or access routes to food and water sources. This can cause issues for homeowners due to the damage that these critters can cause to the pipes. In this article, we will discuss how to install animal guards for drainage pipes to prevent these issues.

The Role of Drainage Pipes

As mentioned earlier, drainage pipes play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our environment. They collect and transport excess water from rainstorms and snowmelt, preventing it from pooling and causing damage to our properties. However, these pipes are made out of materials that attract small creatures such as rodents, insects, and small reptiles, and they can use them as a passageway for shelter and food.

The Problem with Animals in Drainage Pipes

While every creature has a right to its territory, having animals in your drainage pipe can create problems for the homeowner. These animals can chew through the pipes themselves, leaving behind cracks, blockages, and holes that can impede proper drainage. This can lead to waterlogging, which can cause significant damage to your foundation and basement floors.

Additional Health Hazard

Furthermore, animal nests and residue can block up pipes, decreasing the flow of water from roof gutters, further contributing to the water damage inflicted upon your home. Insects, birds, and rodents may bring parasites and diseases into your home, places like these make easy breeding grounds for them and potentially expose your family members to various health hazards.

Animal Guards for Drainage Pipes

To prevent animals from entering the drainage pipes, homeowners can install animal guards on their pipes. These guards are designed to block off the openings in drainage pipes that small animals use to gain access.

Types of Animal Guards

The most common types of animal guards are made of metal and mesh. The metal covers are placed over the pipe openings and screwed into place, creating a tight barrier. Mesh guards are made of wire mesh configured into a cone shape that is placed around the pipe opening.

How to Install Animal Guards

To install animal guards for drainage pipes, first, you will need to locate the areas that animals use as burrows or passageways. You can identify these areas by looking for signs of chew marks or holes around the pipe openings. Once you have located these areas, you can purchase the appropriate animal guard type (either a metal cover or mesh) and install it over the opening.


While installing animal guards is an excellent preventative measure, remember that animals are persistent creatures and may try to get through the barriers by chewing or digging. Always inspect the guard covers regularly and replace any damaged guards promptly. This will help maintain the integrity of your drainage system, benefiting your property's health and longevity and your family's safety and health.


Animals in drainage pipes can cause significant problems for homeowners. However, by installing animal guards, you can prevent them from accessing your drainage system and causing damage or diseases. Make sure to maintain and inspect the guards regularly, and if there are any signs of damage from pests such as rodents or insects, act promptly. By implementing preventative measures like these, you can protect your home and your family's health and wellbeing.

Animal Guard For Drainage Pipe: A Comparison


Drainage pipes are an essential part of any residential or commercial building. They provide an outlet for the water that accumulates in the building and need to be protected from various animals that tend to enter via these openings. There are different types of animal guards available in the market, and it is essential to choose one that suits your needs. In this article, we will do a comparative analysis of the types of animal guards and give our opinion on which guard would be best for you.



Grates are rectangular or circular metal or plastic frames with small horizontal slits that allow water to pass through but keep animals out. They are installed on top of the drain opening and come in different sizes to fit the size of the pipe. They are also available in decorative designs to match the decor of the building.

Grates are affordable and easy to install. They require minimum maintenance and need only to be cleaned regularly to avoid debris clogging the openings. They are effective in keeping larger animals, such as dogs or raccoons, out of the pipes. However, they may not be effective in keeping out smaller animals, such as rodents, insects, and snakes.

Flooding Caps

Flooding caps are designed to keep animals away from the drainage pipe by covering them completely. They are made of hard metal or plastic and create a watertight seal after installation. They are similar to manhole covers and cannot be removed without the right tools.

Flooding caps are more effective in keeping animals out as they close off the opening completely. They are also suitable for areas prone to flooding and can withstand the pressure of excess water. They are easy to install and do not require any maintenance. However, they are more expensive than the grates and may not be suitable for decorative purposes.


Animal Guard Type Pros Cons
Grates Easy to install, affordable, low maintenance, decorative designs available May not keep out smaller animals, such as rodents or insects
Flooding Caps Effective in keeping out animals, water-resistant, easy to install Expensive, not suitable for decorative purposes


After analyzing the pros and cons of both types of animal guards, we believe that flooding caps are more effective than grates in keeping animals out of the drainage pipe. They create a more secure seal and are suitable for areas prone to flooding. However, if aesthetics is a significant consideration for you, grates may be a better option. They are also suitable if you only need protection from larger animals.


In conclusion, animal guards are an essential part of any building's drainage system. Choosing the right guard can help prevent costly damages caused by animals entering the pipes. Grates and flooding caps are two popular options to consider, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. We hope this article has helped you make a more informed decision on which animal guard type is best suited for your needs.

Protecting Your Drainage Pipe with an Animal Guard


Drainage pipes are an essential part of any residential or commercial property, as they help to prevent water damage to buildings and structures. However, these pipes can also become a target for small animals like rats, squirrels, and raccoons, who tend to use them as a nesting site or a food source. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem – installing an animal guard for your drainage pipe. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using an animal guard and provide an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to install one.

Why Use an Animal Guard?

There are several reasons why you should consider installing an animal guard for your drainage pipe. Firstly, it helps to prevent blockages caused by debris or animal nests, which can result in costly repairs. Secondly, it helps to improve the overall hygiene of your property by reducing the risk of rodent infestations. Thirdly, it protects the animal from harm or injury caused by getting stuck or trapped inside the drainage pipe.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Here are the steps to follow when installing an animal guard for your drainage pipe:

Step 1: Measure the diameter of your drainage pipe

Before purchasing an animal guard, you need to know the diameter of your drainage pipe. This can be done by using a measuring tape or ruler. Most animal guards come in different sizes, so ensure that you select the right one for your pipe.

Step 2: Choose the right type of animal guard

There are various types of animal guards available in the market. Some are made from wire mesh, while others are made from PVC or ABS plastic. Consider factors such as durability, ease of installation, and the type of animals that are common in your area when choosing an animal guard.

Step 3: Install the animal guard

To install the animal guard, follow these simple steps:1. Clean the area around the drainage pipe to remove any debris or dirt2. Slip the animal guard over the top of the drainage pipe3. Use wire ties or clamps to secure the guard in place4. Check that the guard is firmly secured, and there are no gaps that can allow animals to enter

Step 4: Maintain the animal guard

To ensure that the animal guard serves its purpose, it needs to be maintained regularly. Remove any debris or leaves that may have accumulated on top of the guard, and check for any signs of weathering or damage.

Tips for Choosing and Installing an Animal Guard

Here are some additional tips to consider when selecting and installing an animal guard for your drainage pipe:- Choose an animal guard that is resistant to rust and corrosion, as water and moisture can cause damage over time- Ensure that the mesh or holes on the guard are small enough to prevent even the smallest animals from entering- Consider installing a removable cover on top of the animal guard to make cleaning easier- If you are unsure about installing the animal guard yourself, enlist the help of a professional


An animal guard is a simple yet effective solution to protect your drainage pipe from animals and prevent blockages. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can install an animal guard quickly and easily, ensuring that your property remains hygienic and free from animal-related damage. Remember to choose the right type of animal guard, maintain it regularly, and seek help if you encounter any difficulties during installation.

Protect Your Drainage Pipes with Animal Guard

If you live in an area with wildlife, you may have experienced drainage pipe blockages caused by animals such as raccoons, squirrels, and rats. These animals are attracted to the warmth and shelter of the pipes, and sometimes they get stuck, leading to costly repairs and damages.

To solve this problem, installing an animal guard is a simple and effective solution. An animal guard is a type of screening material that is placed over the opening of the drain pipe to keep animals out while still allowing water to flow freely.

One of the main advantages of using an animal guard is that it helps to prevent clogs caused by debris such as leaves, twigs, and other small objects from entering the pipe.

Furthermore, animal guards can also help to improve the overall drainage system performance. By blocking access to the drainage pipes, these guards prevent animals from creating nests or dens inside the pipes, which could lead to the accumulation of waste materials and further blockages.

Animal guards are available in various materials such as stainless steel, brass, aluminum, and plastic, making them suitable for different environments and budgets. However, stainless steel is often considered the best option due to its long-lasting durability and rust resistance.

When choosing an animal guard, it is important to select one that is suitable for the size of the pipe being protected. Installing an animal guard that is too small or too large will not be effective in keeping animals out and could even cause additional problems.

It is also essential to properly install the animal guard to ensure it is securely attached and cannot easily be removed. This is especially crucial for areas with heavy rainfall, as the force of the water flow could dislodge poorly installed guards.

Another factor to consider when using an animal guard is maintenance. While these guards are designed to be long-lasting, they may still require periodic cleaning to ensure they are functioning properly.

Finally, it is important to note that some local codes and regulations may require the use of animal guards on drainage pipes. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in costly fines and penalties.

If you are experiencing problems with animals clogging your drainage pipes, installing an animal guard can help to prevent further damage and improve overall performance. Contact your local plumbing professional today to learn more about the benefits of using an animal guard for your drainage system.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope you found the information helpful. Protecting your drainage pipes with an animal guard can save you both time and money by preventing blockages and damages caused by animals. Feel free to contact us for further information or with any questions you may have.

Animal Guard For Drainage Pipe

People also ask about Animal Guard For Drainage Pipe

What is an animal guard for drainage pipe?

An animal guard for drainage pipe is a device used to prevent animals from entering underground pipes. It is typically installed at the inlet or outlet of a pipe and allows water to flow in and out while preventing animals from getting trapped.

Why do I need an animal guard for my drainage pipe?

If you have a drainage pipe on your property, it is important to install an animal guard to prevent animals from getting trapped inside. Without a guard, animals such as rodents, frogs, and snakes can easily enter the pipe and get stuck, leading to blockages and potential damage to your property.

What are my options for animal guards for drainage pipes?

There are several types of animal guards available for drainage pipes, including:

  • Mesh screens
  • Grates
  • Caps
  • Baskets

Each type of guard has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the right one for your specific needs.

How do I install an animal guard for my drainage pipe?

The installation method will depend on the type of animal guard you choose. However, in general, the process involves cleaning the inlet or outlet of the pipe, placing the guard over the opening, and securing it in place using screws or other fasteners.

Where can I buy an animal guard for my drainage pipe?

Animal guards for drainage pipes can be purchased from hardware stores, plumbing supply companies, and online retailers. It is important to choose a high-quality guard that is appropriate for your specific pipe size and type.

How often should I inspect and clean my animal guard?

To ensure that your drainage system is functioning properly and to prevent blockages, it is important to inspect and clean your animal guard on a regular basis. The frequency of cleaning will depend on factors such as the size of the pipe and the amount of debris in the area. In general, it is a good idea to inspect and clean your guard at least once every six months.