Tia: Your Guide to the Adorable and Popular Elephant Villager in Animal Crossing New Horizons


Are you a fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Have you met Tia, the lovely and charming elephant who resides on your island? If not, you're missing out on a delightful treat!

Tia is one of the most popular animal characters in the game - and for good reason. With her sweet demeanor and elegant appearance, she quickly charms players of all ages. To top it off, she's also a skilled mixologist, serving up delicious and refreshing drinks at her very own cafe.

But Tia is more than just a pretty face or a talented barista. She's also a loyal friend and neighbor, always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Whether you need advice on decorating your home or someone to share your latest catch with, Tia is there for you.

One of the best things about Tia is that she's a great representation of the values at the heart of Animal Crossing: community, kindness, and creativity. By spending time with Tia and getting to know her, players can learn valuable lessons about friendship and the importance of being yourself.

But don't just take our word for it - here are some statistics to back up Tia's popularity among Animal Crossing fans. According to online polls, Tia consistently ranks as one of the top 20 most beloved characters in the game, and sometimes even higher. In fact, some players have even gone so far as to say that she's their absolute favorite character of all time!

With all that said, it's easy to see why Tia is such a cherished part of the Animal Crossing universe. But we haven't even scratched the surface of everything that makes her special!

For example, did you know that Tia's name is a play on words? In Japanese, tia means tea, which is a nod to her cafe lore. Additionally, her elegantly styled trunk and teapot-shaped house are nods to the Victorian era - fitting for someone so refined and sophisticated!

Of course, Tia's appeal goes beyond just her appearance and background. Her fun and quirky personality shines through in every interaction, whether she's helping you celebrate a holiday or simply chatting about your favorite hobbies.

If you're looking for another reason to love Tia, consider the fact that she's one of the most fashionable characters in the game. With her stylish bow and pastel-colored outfit, she's always on-trend and ready to make a statement.

But perhaps the biggest reason to love Tia is the joy that she brings to players' lives. Whether you're a longtime fan or a first-time player, spending time with this delightful elephant is sure to put a smile on your face and remind you of all the things that make Animal Crossing such a special game.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to your island and visit Tia today. We guarantee that you won't be disappointed - and who knows, she just may become your new favorite character!

Welcome to Tia's World in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Tia is a lovely and charming elephant villager that you can have in your island in Animal Crossing New Horizons. She is an elegant and sophisticated character that loves the finer things in life. Whether you are starting to collect Villagers for your island or looking to add another friend to your crew, Tia is an excellent choice for any player.


Tia's appearance is quite unique in the game. She is an elephant with a light blue nose and a cream-colored body. She has pink inner ears and bushy eyelashes that accentuate her feminine features. She also wears a red bowtie which adds to her classy look.

Personality and Traits

Tia is a sweet and caring villager that loves to help others. As a normal personality type, she is well-mannered and polite to everyone she meets. She loves to chat and show off her fancy vocabulary, but don't let that fool you. Tia can be quite competitive and enjoys playing games with other villagers. She also loves to cook and will give you some delicious recipes if you speak to her frequently.

Housing and Decorating

Tia's house is decorated in the Rococo style, which matches her elegant and sophisticated personality. The house is filled with antique pieces of furniture and silver-colored flooring. The walls are decorated with flower prints, and the room has a grand piano and a harp. Her house is an excellent place to visit for inspiration and ideas on how to decorate your own home in the game.

Interactions and Dialogue

Tia is an opinionated villager and will speak her mind when you have conversations with her. She'll inquire about your day and ask you questions about your interests. She'll also share her thoughts on the latest happenings on your island. If you give her presents that she likes, she'll be overjoyed and become your best friend in no time.

Fashion and Style

Tia has a great sense of fashion and style. She'll often wear dressy outfits that match her house decorations. A few examples include the Rococo Dress, Purple Lace-up Dress, and the Blue Polka Tank. She also wears different types of hats like the Bowler Hat or Tiara, which add to her sophisticated look.

Why Choose Tia as your Villager?

There are many reasons why you should choose Tia as your villager. Firstly, her personality and traits make her an excellent addition to any island. She's sweet, caring, and loves to help others, which will make her a great friend in the game. Secondly, her fashion and style are unmatched, and you'll love the variety of outfits she wears. Lastly, her elegant house is an excellent place to visit for inspiration and ideas to decorate your own home.


If you're looking for the perfect villager for your Animal Crossing New Horizons island, then Tia is an excellent choice. Her personality, traits, and fashions make her one of the most intriguing characters in the game. If you have Tia on your island, you'll always have a charming and stylish friend who will be there to help and support you throughout your adventure.

A Comparison of Tia in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of many players. One of the things that make the game so enjoyable is the cast of characters, including Tia. Tia is a delightful elephant who brings a unique personality to the game. In this article, we will compare Tia's appearance, personality, and overall experience in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.


Tia is an elephant with an elegant yet simple appearance. Her white fur is accentuated by her pink ears and feet with a maroon tuft on her head. The tip of her tail is also maroon, which adds a bit of flair to her design. Compared to other elephants in the game, Tia stands out with her simple yet charming look. She is definitely one of the more visually appealing characters in New Horizons.

Table comparison for Tia's appearance:

Eyes Ears Trunk
Large and Caring Pink and Floppy Circular and Wrinkled


Tia's personality is just as charming as her appearance. She is a sweet character who always speaks with kindness and consideration. She's the friendliest character in the game, and it's hard not to appreciate her wholesomeness. In terms of hobbies, Tia loves reading and spending time in nature. She's also very fond of flowers and often gifts them to other players. It's her altruistic nature that makes her a stand-out character in Animal Crossing.

Table comparison for Tia's personality:

Personality Type Hobbies Phrase Nature
Normal Reading and Nature teacup Altruistic and Kind

Overall Experience

When it comes to the overall experience with Tia in New Horizons, she's definitely a character worth befriending. Not only is she visually appealing, but her kind personality makes interactions with her always enjoyable. Additionally, her love of flowers can make for great gifts and potentially help with island ratings. She's a great addition to any player's game and deserves more recognition.


In conclusion, Tia is a fantastic character in Animal Crossing: New Horizon. From her charming appearance to her altruistic personality, she's a character any player would be lucky to have on their island. Additionally, her love of flowers makes her an asset in creating an aesthetically pleasing island. All in all, Tia is a character who deserves more attention and recognition in the Animal Crossing community.

Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Tia in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Who is Tia?

Tia is a cute little elephant character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. She has a unique personality and has been one of the most popular characters since the game's release. This adorable little elephant is quite friendly and always eager to help her fellow villagers.

How to Get Tia?

Getting Tia is not easy as she is pretty rare but there are two ways in which you can get her. One way is to wait for her to randomly turn up on your island. The other way is to buy an amiibo card of Tia online and invite her to your island using the amiibo feature. This will cost you some money, however, it's worth it if you are a huge fan of Tia.

Personality and Appearance

Tia is a lovely light-blue elephant with a white muzzle, feet, and pink inside of her ears. She also has blue eyes and long eyelashes that make her very cute. Her personality is really sweet and she loves being around other villagers. It's said that Tia likes tea parties and baking desserts, making her house filled with sweets and beautiful furniture with other tea-party decorations.

How to Interact With Tia?

The best way to interact with Tia is simply by talking to her. Tia is very friendly and enjoys conversations. Additionally, like all villagers, she often has little quests and favors she needs assistance with.A great way to bond with Tia would be to send her gifts in the mail or give her presents when she visits your house. However, be sure to take note of her favorite items and colors to really impress her. You can find out what she likes by talking to her and paying attention to what she says.

How to Decorate Tia’s House?

Decorating Tia's house is a significant aspect of the game. As per her preference, she loves tea parties, desserts, and sweets decorations. Her house usually features beautiful pastel furniture with pink walls, wooden flooring, and several flower bouquets. Make sure to add some tea sets or kettles to her house as this matches her personality.

What are Tia's Hobbies?

Tia has a love for baking cakes and desserts, which makes it obvious that she loves spending time in the kitchen. In close proximity to her house, players may find fruits, plants, and flowers in adjoining gardens that depict her nature hobby. Additionally, she leads a very cultured lifestyle, and it's possible that she gathered a great collection of books from other villagers in her library.

Special Features of Tia

Tia, like all Animal Crossing villagers, has special abilities. Unlike some, however, Tia can make one feel engaged and feel at home with her interactive traits. When you visit her house, there is always a distinctive ambiance making the player feel more comfortable when they socialize with Tia, thus leading to an excellent gaming experience.

The Importance of Talking to Tia Every Day

As with other villagers, it is essential to talk to Tia daily to maintain your friendship with her. By interacting with Tia every day, you may utilize fresh daily activity to keep conversations going while strengthening your relationship.Talking with Tia will also give her a chance to talk about her interests and any issues she might be experiencing, making it easier for you to help her out if necessary.

What You Should Know About Tia's Neighbors

Getting to know Tia's neighbors is essential for interacting with Tia daily. Try to get to know them and engage in conversations to foster a good relationship with them as well.As Tia and her neighbors get along, you may have the opportunity to exchange gifts or invite each other over for gatherings and parties, enhancing your gaming experience.

Tia Perks

Having Tia around your island will definitely add some flavor to your gameplay. With her friendly personality, love for desserts and tea party decorations, players can surely make their Animal Crossing islands look more attractive and eye catching to the players who visit their islands. Once you bond with her, Tia will become a close friend and be there for all activities, making your New Horizons game even more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – Some of the best tips and tricks for getting the most out of Tia in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. By following these tips, you should be able to enjoy your interactions with Tia and increase your overall gaming experience. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and play Animal Crossing: New Horizons with Tia and enjoy its beauty and charm!

Tia Animal Crossing New Horizons: The Sweet and Sophisticated Elephant

Hello there fellow Animal Crossing enthusiasts! Today, we will be talking about Tia - the sweet and sophisticated elephant that everyone loves. Whether you’re a fan of her cute appearance or her kindhearted persona, there’s no denying that Tia is one of the most beloved characters in the game. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Tia’s background, personality, and place in Animal Crossing New Horizons. So, sit back, grab your favorite snack, and let’s dive in!

The Background of Tia

Tia, as her name suggests, is an elephant character in Animal Crossing. She has been part of the franchise since the original game release in 2001. Tia's first appearance was in the game “Animal Forest+'' for the Nintendo 64 console, and she has been a fan-favorite ever since.

Her physical appearance resembles that of a teapot because of her unique headwear. This feature distinguishes her from other elephant characters in the game. Tia's Trunkle pattern top is her default outfit, and it has become a popular item among Animal Crossing players worldwide.

Tia’s Personality Traits

Tia is a sweet and sophisticated character, and her personality reflects this. She's charming, stylish, and polite - making her a well-rounded character that players adore. Her kind nature and genuine concern for her friends make her an excellent listener and an ideal friend.

Her dialogue is always polite and sincere, and she is often seen providing words of wisdom to her acquaintances. Tia has a love for fortune telling, and she is always happy to give both advice and compliments to anyone who visits her.

Tia in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizon is the fifth installation in the franchise, and Tia is a resident of an island players visit. Players could find Tia wandering around different parts of the island, and sometimes she’ll be on the player's own island, looking for gardening tips or just enjoying the scenery.

Tia's house features a teapot-themed interior design, which matches her appearance. It includes several decorative items such as the fruit basket, den desk, floral swag, elaborate kimono stand, and many more. The interior of her house is quite spacious, making it perfect for visitors to stop by and interact with her character.

She is also a skilled cook, and when you visit her house, Tia will often offer you exotic dishes like foie gras or lobster bisque. Besides, she enjoys practicing yoga at the beach and doing morning stretches in front of Resident Services every day.

Why Do Fans Love Tia?

Tia is an appealing character, and it’s no surprise that many players love her. Her polite, sophisticated demeanor sets her apart from other characters in the game, making her a favorite among players. Her tea-themed look appeals to players who appreciate attention to detail and the thought put behind creating unique characters.

Players who enjoy collecting different types of furniture and décor pieces love searching for teapot-inspired furnishings to outfit their homes. Tia's unique pattern top and the tea set also inspire players in their fashion and style choices. Her overall loungewear fashion and accessories are adorable and contribute positively to her appeal.

Closing Thoughts

Tia is one of the sweetest and most sophisticated characters in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Her charming appearance and friendly personality make her an instant classic among players. We hope that this article has given you a good insight into Tia's background, personality, and place in the game.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon on the Animal Crossing New Horizons island! Don’t forget to add Tia to your collection of characters because she is sure to bring a smile to your face every time she is around.

People Also Ask About Tia Animal Crossing New Horizons

Who is Tia in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Tia is a villager character in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. She is an elephant character that has a teapot on her head and wears a red bowtie.

What is Tia's personality type?

Tia has a normal personality type, which means she is generally kind, caring, and friendly towards other village characters. She tends to avoid conflict and may appear shy at times.

How to get Tia in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

There are several ways to get Tia in Animal Crossing New Horizons:

  1. Wait for her to randomly appear as a new villager in your town
  2. Trade with another player who has Tia in their town
  3. Use Amiibo to invite Tia to your town

What is Tia's favorite color?

Tia's favorite color is purple. She likes to decorate her house with purple and pink furniture items.

What is Tia's catchphrase?

Tia's catchphrase is teacup, referencing the teapot on her head. She uses this word as a greeting and to express excitement or surprise.

What gifts does Tia like in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Tia likes receiving gifts that match her interests, such as purple or pink furniture items, tea sets, and cute clothing. She also appreciates flowers and other decorative items that can be used to beautify her home.