Uncovering the Mystery: Solving the Tusked Marine Animal Crossword Clue


Are you an avid crossword solver who gets stumped by marine animal clues? Look no further than this article, where we will delve into the world of tusked marine animals; a common crossword clue that can leave even the most seasoned solver scratching their head.

So, what exactly is a tusked marine animal? The answer may surprise you. The most well-known example is the walrus, with their impressive elongated canine teeth protruding from their mouths. However, there are other lesser-known tusked creatures inhabiting the ocean, such as the narwhal and the beaked whale.

But why do these animals have tusks in the first place? In the case of the walrus, their tusks are primarily used for hunting and as a means of defense against predators. The narwhal, on the other hand, uses its tusk for communication and navigating through icy waters.

Now, back to the crossword clue. If you see tusked marine animal in your puzzle, chances are the answer is either walrus or narwhal. But how can you narrow it down? Look for other clues in the surrounding clues, as it may hint towards one species over the other.

For example, if the clue large Arctic mammal appears in the same puzzle, walrus may be the better bet as narwhals are often associated with Arctic waters but are not necessarily considered large.

Still stumped? Try using an online crossword solver or enlist the help of a friend. After all, isn't the joy of crossword solving all about the journey and collaboration?

Speaking of collaboration, did you know that walruses are known to form large haulouts, or groups, on beaches? These social gatherings can consist of up to thousands of individuals, making them a sight to behold.

But let's not forget about the narwhal. Did you know that their tusk is actually a modified tooth? It can grow up to 10 feet long and has garnered some attention from humans for its supposed mystical properties.

In conclusion, while the answer to tusked marine animal may seem simple, there is a whole world to explore when it comes to these fascinating creatures. So, next time you come across this clue in your crossword puzzle, remember the wonders of the walrus and narwhal and embrace the journey of solving the puzzle.

Are you a crossword enthusiast? Do you enjoy the challenge of deciphering clues and filling in boxes? Well, if you're stuck on a clue for a tusked marine animal, you've come to the right place. Here, we'll explore some possible answers and interesting facts about these fascinating creatures.

Possible Clues

A crossword clue for a tusked marine animal may be vague or specific, but there are a few popular options that come to mind. Let's take a look at some possible answers:


The narwhal is a medium-sized whale that lives in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, and Russia. It's known for its long, spiral tusk that grows from its front left tooth. The tusk can grow up to 10 feet long and is actually a modified tooth that is used for mating rituals and sensory functions. Narwhals also have another, smaller tusk that grows from their right tooth.


Walruses are large marine mammals that live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. They are known for their large tusks, which are actually elongated canine teeth that can grow up to three feet long. Male walruses use their tusks for fighting, display, and dominance, while female walruses primarily use theirs to help them climb onto ice. Walruses have a thick layer of blubber that insulates them against the cold and allows them to dive deep underwater for food.

Elephant Seal

While not as well-known for their tusks as narwhals or walruses, elephant seals actually do have long, protruding teeth that are used for display and fighting. Male elephant seals can weigh over 5,000 pounds and have a distinctive trunk-like nose that they use to make loud, bellowing noises during mating season. Female elephant seals are significantly smaller than males and do not have tusks.

Interesting Facts

Now that we've explored some possible clues, let's take a look at some interesting facts about tusked marine animals:

Dental Mysteries

The exact purpose of narwhal tusks has been a mystery for quite some time. While scientists have observed them being used in mating rituals and for finding food under ice, the true function is still unknown. Similarly, the walrus's tusk functions are still not fully understood, despite centuries of observation and research.

Threatened Species

Both narwhals and walruses are considered to be threatened species due to climate change and hunting by humans. Inuits have hunted narwhals for centuries for their meat and tusks, while commercial hunting of walruses for ivory and blubber has led to a significant loss in population.

Pinnipeds & Seals

Elephant seals are part of a group of marine mammals called pinnipeds, which also includes seals and sea lions. While some seals do have teeth, they are not typically referred to as tusked animals. However, male elephant seals are often described as having a tusk-like appearance due to the elongated canine teeth that protrude from their mouths.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to crossword clues for tusked marine animals, there are a few popular options to consider. Narwhals, walruses, and elephant seals all have distinctive tusks that are used for different purposes. While they may be fascinating creatures to learn about, it's important to remember that some species are threatened and in need of conservation efforts.

So, next time you're working on a crossword puzzle and come across a clue for a tusked marine animal, you'll have a bit more knowledge about the possible answers!

Tusked Marine Animal Crossword Clue: A Comparison of Wild & Domestic Varieties


The ocean is a vast and mysterious place, and its inhabitants never cease to amaze us. Some of the most fascinating creatures living in the sea are the tusked marine animals. They are known for their prominent tusks or protruding teeth, which have been the subject of many crossword puzzles. In this article, we will compare and contrast the wild and domestic varieties of five of the most famous tusked marine animals: walruses, narwhals, killer whales, elephants, and warthogs.


Walruses are large, flippered marine mammals with long, curved tusks that can grow up to three feet in length. These magnificent beasts inhabit the frigid waters of the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and are known for their impressive tusks, which they use to anchor themselves on ice floes or to fight off predators. In addition to their tusks, walruses have thick blubber and a bristly mustache that helps them navigate their icy environment. Interestingly, male and female walruses both have tusks, but the males' tusks are longer and more prominent.While wild walruses serve an important role in the Arctic ecosystem, they are also hunted by native peoples for their ivory tusks and meat. In contrast, domesticated walruses do not exist, as their size and specific needs make them unsuitable for captivity.


Narwhals are another tusked marine animal that has captured our imagination for centuries. These unique whales live exclusively in the Arctic waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia and are known for their long, spiraled tusks that can grow up to ten feet in length. Surprisingly, narwhals only have two teeth - one of which grows into their iconic tusk.While these fascinating creatures have never been domesticated, they have been hunted by indigenous peoples for centuries for their ivory tusks, meat, and skin. Today, narwhals are a protected species, and hunting them is strictly regulated.

Killer Whales

Killer whales, also known as orcas, are one of the most iconic tusked marine animals in the world. These massive predators can grow up to 32 feet in length and weigh over 22,000 pounds. While they don't have traditional tusks like walruses or narwhals, they do have long, pointed teeth that can reach up to four inches in length.Killer whales can be found in every ocean in the world and are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and communication skills. They have been known to hunt cooperatively, displaying a level of coordination that few other animals can match. Unlike the other tusked marine animals on this list, killer whales have been successfully kept in captivity for decades, although ethical concerns have led to many parks phasing out their orca exhibits.


Elephants are perhaps the most well-known land animal with distinctive tusks. Both male and female elephants can grow tusks, which are actually elongated incisors. African elephants have larger tusks than their Asian counterparts, with males exhibiting the longest and most impressive tusks.Elephants use their tusks for a variety of purposes, including foraging for food, digging, and defense. However, like their marine counterparts, elephants have been hunted for their ivory tusks, leading to a significant decline in elephant populations in recent years.


Finally, we come to the humble warthog. While not as famous as the other tusked animals on this list, warthogs are still worthy of mention. These pig-like mammals are found in Africa and have curved tusks that protrude from their lower jaws.Unlike the other animals on this list, warthogs are not usually hunted for their tusks or meat. Instead, they are a favorite prey animal of many African predators, including lions, leopards, and hyenas. Their tusks are primarily used for defense against potential predators.

Comparison Table

| Animal | Wild or Domesticated | Prominent Tusk | Habitat | Primary Use of Tusk ||--------|----------------------|---------------|---------|---------------------|| Walrus | Wild | Yes, up to 3 ft | Arctic & Sub-Arctic Regions | Anchoring on ice floes, fighting off predators || Narwhal | Wild | Yes, up to 10 ft | Arctic Waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia | Used for sensory purposes and impressing potential mates || Killer Whale | Domesticated/Wild | Yes, teeth up to 4 in | Every ocean in the world | Hunting prey || Elephant | Wild | Yes, elongated incisors | African & Asian Savannas and Forests | Foraging for food, digging and defense || Warthog | Wild | Yes, from lower jaw | Africa | Defense against predators |


In conclusion, tusked marine animals are some of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. From the mighty walrus to the gentle narwhal, each species has its unique adaptations and uses for their impressive tusks. While some, like the killer whale, have been successfully kept in captivity, others, like the walrus and narwhal, are best left to their natural habitats. Regardless, it is important to respect these magnificent creatures and the essential roles they play in our planet's ecosystems.

Tips and Tricks to Solve the Tusked Marine Animal Crossword Clue


Crosswords can be frustrating, especially when you get stuck with a clue that seems impossible to solve. One such clue that may have stumped you is the tusked marine animal crossword clue. It is a tough one, but don't fret - this article will provide you with tips and tricks to help you solve it.

What is a Tusked Marine Animal?

Before diving into the tips, let's familiarize ourselves with the tusked marine animal. The term refers to any marine mammal with tusks or elongated canine teeth. Some examples include walruses, narwhals, and killer whales.

Tip 1: Understand the Clue

The first tip to solving any crossword is to fully understand the clue. This particular clue is straightforward; it refers to a type of marine mammal with tusks. Keep in mind that it may not necessarily be a specific animal's name.

Tip 2: Use Crossword Guides

Next, consider using crossword guides such as crossword dictionaries, thesauruses, or even online resources like Crossword Nexus. These guides can provide you with similar words or synonyms that may fit within the given number of letters.

Tip 3: Wordplay Clues

Bear in mind that crossword clues often employ puns or wordplay. For this clue, you may want to focus on the word tusked. Perhaps the answer could be an animal that has a characteristic related to tusks, rather than literal tusks themselves.

Tip 4: Look at Crossword Pattern

Another useful tip is to analyze the pattern of the crossword. Look for any intersecting words that could help you determine the correct answer. Also, pay attention to any letters you're certain of and use deduction to narrow down your options.

Tip 5: Think Outside the Box

Sometimes, solving crossword puzzles requires thinking outside the box. Therefore, consider brainstorming beyond the expected answers. For this clue, you might want to think beyond common tusked animals like walruses and narwhals.

Tip 6: Check the Plausibility

Once you've found a potential answer, double-check its plausibility. Research the animal's characteristics and ensure they match the clue's description. This method prevents you from potentially filling in the wrong puzzle answers and further complicating the crossword.

Tip 7: Be Patient

Finally, remember to be patient. Crossword puzzles are fun, but they can also be challenging. Don't give up too easily; instead, take breaks as needed and return to the puzzle with fresh eyes.


In conclusion, solving the tusked marine animal crossword clue requires patience, persistence, and a bit of creativity. By using these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of solving this challenging clue correctly. Remember, it's not only about getting the answer but also improving your skills and enjoying the process.

Tusked Marine Animal Crossword Clue

Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? Do you consider yourself an expert when it comes to solving puzzle clues? If so, then this article might interest you. Recently, the term Tusked Marine Animal has been making rounds in the world of puzzles, leaving many puzzled enthusiasts scratching their heads.

Some of you may already know that this clue refers to a specific animal that inhabits our oceans. However, for those who are unfamiliar with marine biology and underwater creatures, the clue may sound confusing and difficult to guess.

To help you solve this challenging crossword puzzle, we have researched and done a deep dive into the world of tusked marine animals. We will provide you with an in-depth analysis of what these animals are, where they can be found, some interesting facts about them, and much more.

The first thing that may come to mind when you read the phrase tusked marine animal is a walrus. And you're correct! The correct answer for the crossword puzzle is, in fact, Walrus. Although several other animals could fit this description, the walrus is the only mammal with tusks that lives in the ocean.

Walruses are fascinating animals to learn about. They are mainly found in the arctic regions of North America and Russia and are well-known for their distinct long, ivory tusks. These tusks are elongated canine teeth that grow throughout their entire lives, with males having larger tusks than females. Typically, these tusks can grow as long as three feet and weigh up to 12 pounds!

Moreover, walruses use their tusks for various purposes such as searching food, breaking through ice, and even for defense against their predators. These mammoth tusks are essential in their daily lives; it is like having their own built-in utensils specific to the environment they live in.

While walruses are known to be massive, they have mostly friendly and placid dispositions. They are social animals that frequently travel in herds and enjoy playing together. They also communicate with each other using distinct sounds such as snores and snorts.

Furthermore, before we wrap up this article, it is crucial to know that walruses are currently facing several threats to their existence. Habitat loss, hunting, and climate changes are some of the causes that contribute to their population decline. As a responsible citizen, we can work together to raise awareness about these issues and take necessary measures to help protect them.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of what tusked marine animals are, the correct answer for the crossword puzzle clue, and some essential facts about walruses. It is always fascinating to learn about new things and increase our knowledge base. So, whether you're a passionate puzzle solver or someone who loves learning about nature, always keep your curious minds active.

Until next time, happy puzzling!

People Also Ask about Tusked Marine Animal Crossword Clue

What is a tusked marine animal crossword?

A tusked marine animal crossword is a type of crossword puzzle clue that refers to an aquatic creature with tusks or protruding teeth. The clues may vary in difficulty and specificity, but they all point to some type of marine creature with distinctive tooth structures.

What are some examples of tusked marine animals?

Some examples of tusked marine animals include:

  • Narwhal
  • Walrus
  • Pacific walrus
  • Beluga whale
  • Odobenus rosmarus (bearded seal)

How do I solve a tusked marine animal crossword puzzle?

To solve a tusked marine animal crossword puzzle, start by reading the clues carefully and trying to think of any marine animals that have long teeth or tusks. If you're unsure about a particular answer, try to fill in the adjacent letters based on other clues. You can also use online resources like crossword dictionaries and search engines to help you uncover the correct answers.

What makes tusked marine animals unique?

Tusked marine animals are unique because they have protruding teeth that give them an edge in their natural habitats. For example, Narwhals use their tusks to break through ice and fight off predators, while walruses use their tusks to haul themselves onto ice floes and defend themselves against predators. These adaptations are essential for survival in the harsh Arctic environment.

Are there any endangered tusked marine animals?

Yes, some tusked marine animals are endangered due to overhunting, habitat loss, and climate change. Narwhals, for example, are considered near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), while Pacific walruses are listed as vulnerable. It's important to protect these creatures and their habitats to ensure their survival for future generations.