Uncovering the Mystery: Which Animal Burrows Under Concrete? - A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Dealing with Intrusive Burrowing Wildlife.


Have you noticed cracks in your concrete driveway or sidewalk? Or perhaps you've heard strange noises coming from underneath your house? If so, it's possible that an animal is burrowing under your concrete. But what kind of animal could be causing this damage?

First, let's talk about why animals might dig under concrete. For some, it's a matter of shelter and protection. Animals like mice, rats, and rabbits may dig burrows under concrete to escape predators or harsh weather conditions. Other animals, such as groundhogs and moles, tunnel under concrete to search for food or create pathways to different areas.

One common culprit of concrete burrowing is the mole. These small creatures are known for their intricate underground tunnels and can cause serious damage to lawns and gardens. But did you know that moles can also tunnel under concrete? These pests can lift and crack concrete slabs with their powerful digging claws, causing costly damage to homes and properties.

Another animal that may surprise you in its ability to burrow under concrete is the armadillo. While typically associated with the southern United States and known for its armored shell, armadillos are expert diggers. They can easily tunnel under concrete foundations and cause damage to structures.

If you suspect that an animal is burrowing under your concrete, it's important to take action quickly. Not only can it cause damage to your property, but it can also lead to safety hazards. Cracks in sidewalks and driveways can pose tripping hazards, while damage to foundations can compromise the structural integrity of buildings.

So what can you do if you have an animal burrowing under your concrete? One option is to hire a professional pest control service. These experts have the tools and knowledge to safely and effectively remove the animal and prevent further damage.

Another option is to use natural repellents. Many animals, such as moles and armadillos, have sensitive noses and can be driven away by strong scents. Castor oil, garlic, and even human hair can be effective at deterring these pests.

It's also important to address any areas of your property that may be attracting these animals. For example, if you have a garden with lots of grubs, this may be a tempting food source for moles. By removing the grubs, you may be able to prevent further damage to your property.

In conclusion, if you suspect an animal is burrowing under your concrete, it's important to take action quickly to prevent further damage and ensure safety. Whether you choose to hire a professional or use natural repellents, addressing the issue promptly can save you time, money, and headache in the long run.

If you happen to notice a concrete surface getting damaged in your garden, and you're clueless about what caused it, chances are an animal burrowed under it. Burrowing animals are infamous for damaging sidewalks, driveways, and patios. However, the question is, what animal burrows under concrete, and how do they do it? In this article, we will delve into the subject matter and discuss everything you need to know about them.

The Culprit - Groundhogs

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are the primary culprits that burrow under concrete. They belong to the rodent family and have a strong affinity for digging. For groundhogs, concrete surfaces are no barrier to their burrowing tendencies.

Groundhogs tend to dig out long tunnels under concrete surfaces, particularly where it's close to their habitat. The holes they create can range from several inches to more than a foot in diameter. Typically, they make their burrows wherever there is soil, which is why they often find it beneath concrete patios or driveways.

The Reason Behind Concrete Burrows

The reason behind groundhogs' urge to burrow under concrete is simply because of their natural instincts to create a safe and secure home. These burrows not only offer a comfortable shelter, but they also accommodate their food storage, allow for quick escape, and are social homes if they live with other groundhogs.

Another probable reason is to avoid predators. Being molested by predators such as coyotes, dogs, foxes, and humans is always a possibility for groundhogs. Burrowing underneath a hard surface creates a protective barrier and makes it difficult for predators to reach them.

Signs of a Groundhog Burrow Under Concrete

If you suspect that a groundhog has burrowed under the concrete surface in your yard, here are some tell-tale signs to look for:

  • New dirt piles surrounding the concrete area
  • Dug-out areas near the concrete slab
  • Concrete surfaces appear sunken or tilted
  • Small animal tracks approaching and moving out of the entry and exit holes of the burrow
  • Excrement near the burrow entrance

Preventing Groundhogs from Burrowing Under Concrete

The best way to prevent groundhogs from burrowing under concrete is by taking preventative measures, which include:

  • Filling up any cracks or gaps on the exterior walls of your home that may serve as an entryway to groundhogs
  • Installing a barrier such as rocks, small stones, or wire mesh around the perimeter to deter them from digging
  • Securing all garbage cans, bird feeders, and pet food containers since they tend to attract groundhogs
  • Placing strong-smelling herbs like garlic, spicy peppers, or castor oil around the vicinity of the burrows to keep groundhogs away
  • Contacting a professional pest exterminator to eradicate groundhogs from your property in case of infestation

What to do when you find a Groundhog Burrow Under Concrete

If you have caught wind of a groundhog burrow under your concrete, the best course of action is to trap and relocate the animal. You could also use alternative deterrent strategies, but it's not advisable to kill them as they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Furthermore, trapping a groundhog can seem daunting, and even intimidating, so it's best to contact a pest control professional to handle it. They will have the proper tools, knowledge and experience to safely remove the animal from your property without damaging the concrete surface or harming the creature.

In conclusion

Groundhogs are the primary culprits responsible for burrowing under concrete surfaces in your property. They do this to create safe, secure homes with comfortable shelters, food storage, and quick escape routes. It's best to take preventative measures such as installing barriers, filling up crack, securing garbage cans and food containers to prevent groundhogs' intrusion. In case of an infestation, contact a professional for assistance to trap and relocate the animal safely.

What Animal Burrows Under Concrete: A Comprehensive Comparison

Animal burrows are interesting to study because they provide a glimpse of the underground world that exists below our feet. While some animals dig tunnels for shelter and protection, others do it for food or simply for fun. In urban areas, it's not uncommon for animals to burrow under concrete structures like sidewalks, buildings, and roads. In this article, we will compare and contrast three common types of animals that are known to burrow under concrete.

The Mole

Moles are small, cylindrical mammals that are famous for their burrowing abilities. They have powerful forelimbs with long claws that allow them to dig rapidly through soil and create complex tunnel networks. Moles can burrow under concrete structures by finding weak spots or cracks in the surface and then digging through the soil underneath. Moles usually burrow close to the surface in search of earthworms, insects, and other small invertebrates to eat. They prefer soft, damp soil and are more active at night.


  • Mole burrows are easy to identify, as they leave piles of dirt on the surface.
  • Moles are solitary animals, so they don't pose a threat to humans or pets


  • Moles can cause damage to lawns and gardens by uprooting plants and creating unsightly mounds of soil.
  • Moles can attract other predators such as snakes and birds of prey.

The Rat

Rats are considered pests in many urban areas because they can cause damage to property and spread diseases. They are skilled burrowers and can dig through a wide range of materials, including concrete. Rats usually burrow close to the surface and create networks of tunnels that connect to their nests. They are omnivorous and will eat almost anything, including garbage, plants, and other animals.


  • Rats are highly adaptable and can survive in many different environments.
  • Rats are excellent climbers and swimmers, making them difficult to catch.


  • Rats can carry diseases such as salmonella and leptospirosis, which can be harmful to humans.
  • Rats can cause damage to property by gnawing on wood, wires, and insulation.

The Skunk

Skunks are known for their distinctive odor and their ability to defend themselves against predators with their potent spray. Skunks are also proficient burrowers and can dig under concrete structures to create dens and nesting sites. They usually burrow close to the surface and prefer areas with soft soil. Skunks are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including insects, berries, and small animals.


  • Skunks are generally docile and will not attack humans or pets unless provoked.
  • Skunks can help control insect populations by eating pests like grubs and caterpillars.


  • Skunks are well-known for their strong odor, which can be difficult to remove from clothes and furniture.
  • Skunks can carry diseases such as rabies, which can be transmitted to humans and pets.


In conclusion, moles, rats, and skunks are all capable of burrowing under concrete structures, but they have different reasons for doing so and different potential impacts on human health and safety. While moles are generally harmless and can even be beneficial for controlling insect populations, rats and skunks can cause damage to property and spread diseases. It's important to identify the type of animal that is burrowing under concrete and take appropriate measures to prevent further damage or infestation.

What Animal Burrows Under Concrete: Tips and Solutions


Do you hear strange sounds coming from under your concrete? Do you find holes or cracks in your concrete structure? If yes, then an animal might be burrowing under your concrete. This could be a cause for concern, as these burrowers can damage your property and pose a risk to your family's safety. This article will guide you on what animal burrows under the concrete, how to identify them, and the solutions to handle the problem.

The Culprits

Several animals love to burrow and hide under the concrete. One of them is the groundhog. These furry animals are avid burrowers and create extensive underground tunnels that could wreak havoc on your property. Moles are another common burrower that love to dig under lawns, driveways, and sidewalks. Raccoons and skunks are also notorious culprits. They dig shallow burrows in search of food or shelter, often causing significant damage to the structure above. Lastly, rats and mice are also drawn to the protected space under concrete slabs, especially during the colder months.

Symptoms of Burrowing Animals

It's essential to identify the signs of an infestation before the animal's population grows out of control. Here are some indications of burrowing animals underneath the concrete:

Growling or Scratching Sounds

If you hear strange animal noises, growling, scratching, or gnawing sounds under the concrete, then there's a possibility of a burrower living there.

Holes and Cracks

Noticeable holes or cracks in concrete, walls, or other surfaces near the foundation are another sign of burrowing pests' presence.

Dirt or Debris Piles

Burrowing animals bring dirt and debris to the surface. You might find piles of soil or grass pushed up, which could indicate their underground tunneling activity.

How to Control Burrowing Pests

There are several ways to eliminate the burrowing pests that have taken over your concrete structure:

Remove the Food Sources

Food sources are often responsible for attracting some burrowing pests like rats and mice. Removing pet food, dry goods, and waste from the vicinity can help cut off their food supply.

Seal Off Entry Points

Block off the access points through which burrowing pests enter your property. If you notice any cracks, holes, or gaps in your walls or sidings, seal them off immediately.

Filling the Burrow Holes

Filling burrow holes that animals use to enter and exit the underground areas is an effective way to discourage them.

Call a Professional Pest Control

Sometimes, it's almost impossible to solve the problem alone. Consult with a pest control professional to identify the burrowing animal and receive expert advice on how to address the problem.


Burrowing pests are not something that should be ignored. Once you know what animal burrows under the concrete, take the necessary action to prevent further damage to your property. Make sure to identify the symptoms, secure entry points, remove food sources, and call a professional pest control service if necessary. By following these tips and solutions, you can keep burrowing pests away and protect your foundation from further damage.

What Animal Burrows Under Concrete?

Have you ever noticed bumps or cracks in the concrete pavement? Those unsightly marks might be due to an animal burrowing underneath it. While it's easy to ignore these signs, ignoring them can cause costly damages and pose a potential threat to your safety. That's why it's essential to understand what animal is responsible for those burrows!

The most common animal that burrows under concrete is the groundhog. They are excellent diggers and are known for their ability to create tunnels through various materials. Groundhogs usually hibernate in the winter and stay shallow underground.

However, when the weather warms up, they come out of hibernation and begin to search for food and shelter. As part of their search, they might stumble upon your yard and find the perfect spot to dig their burrow.

Besides groundhogs, other animals can burrow under concrete, such as rabbits, moles, skunks, raccoons, and even snakes. Rabbits, for example, create shallow burrows, while moles tunnel through soil and create raised ridges on top of the ground.

Skunks and raccoons are notorious for their digging skills and can quickly create extensive networks of burrows. However, if you notice skunks or raccoons digging under your concrete pavement, it's often an indication of a more severe problem. These animals will dig in search of insects, but they can also dig through sewage lines, causing serious damage.

Another animal that might show up under your pavement is the snake. Snakes will burrow under your driveway to escape the harsh sun during hot summer months. They might also bury their eggs under the pavement, which can take weeks or months to hatch, depending on the species.

So, how can you tell which animal is responsible for the burrows under your concrete? There are a few indicators:

  • Size of the burrow
  • The shape and size of the entrance holes
  • The pattern of the raised ridges on top of the ground
  • The type of soil or debris around the burrow
  • The time of day that the animal is most active

By paying attention to these details, you can get a better idea of what animal is causing the damage. However, it's always best to call in professionals if you suspect a severe issue.

Now that we know what animals burrow under concrete, let's discuss some of the risks associated with these burrows.

Firstly, burrows can weaken the foundation of your pavement, causing it to become unstable and crack. This instability can lead to costly repairs and potential safety hazards. Burrows can also create tripping hazards for pedestrians and make it difficult to walk across the affected areas safely.

Burrows can also introduce unwanted pests into your yard, such as ticks and fleas. These pests can carry diseases that can spread to you or your pets. Additionally, a burrow under your pavement can attract other predators, increasing potential dangers around your home.

If you find a burrow under your pavement, it's essential to take immediate action and contact a professional exterminator. They can assess the situation, determine which animal is responsible, and provide a safe and effective solution to get rid of the animal and prevent future damage.

In conclusion, knowing which animal burrows under concrete can save you from costly damages and potential safety hazards. Keep an eye out for signs of burrows on your property, and take action if you suspect an infestation. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!

Closing Message

We hope that this article has been helpful in identifying the animals responsible for burrowing under concrete. Remember, it's essential to take appropriate action if you notice signs of burrows. Not only can they create safety hazards, but they can also cause significant foundation damage and introduce unwanted pests into your yard. By calling in professionals, you can ensure that the problem is dealt with safely and effectively.

Thank you for reading, and we hope you found this article informative! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

What Animal Burrows Under Concrete: People Also Ask?

What animals are known for burrowing under concrete?

Several animals have the ability to burrow under concrete, including:

  • Raccoons
  • Skunks
  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Groundhogs
  • Squirrels
  • Armadillos

These animals have strong jaws and sharp teeth that enable them to dig through tough materials.

Why do animals burrow under concrete?

Animals burrow under concrete for various reasons:

  1. Shelter: Animals like rats, mice, and groundhogs often seek shelter and safety in underground burrows. Concrete provides an ideal environment because it's dry and insulated from the elements.
  2. Food: Skunks, raccoons, and armadillos may burrow under concrete to access food sources such as insect nests or garbage cans.
  3. Breeding: Squirrels may build nests and breed under concrete structures because it provides protection from predators.
  4. Escape: Animals like rats and mice will burrow under concrete to escape predators or danger.

How can I tell if an animal is living under my concrete?

There are several signs that indicate an animal is living under your concrete:

  • Scratching or thumping sounds coming from beneath the concrete
  • Holes or depressions in the ground near the concrete slab
  • Foul odors or urine stains near the concrete
  • Visible tracks or droppings
  • Digging or burrowing marks on the ground or over the concrete slab

What should I do if I suspect an animal is living under my concrete?

If you suspect an animal is living under your concrete, it's important to take action to remove it. Leaving it there can cause damage to your property and pose health risks. Contact a professional wildlife removal service to safely and humanely trap and remove the animal. Seal any holes or entry points to prevent future infestations.