Unlock Quality Zzz's: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Sleep Better in Animal Crossing


Are you tired of being awake all night playing Animal Crossing? Do you find yourself falling asleep during the day because you stayed up too late fishing for rare creatures? You're not alone. Many players of this popular game struggle with getting enough sleep. But, fear not! There are ways to still enjoy the game and get the rest you need.

Firstly, it's important to establish a bedtime routine. Just like how reading a book or taking a warm bath before bed can signal to your brain that it's time to sleep, creating a routine around logging off of Animal Crossing can have the same effect. Try to avoid playing the game at least an hour before you plan to go to sleep.

If you're having trouble with shutting down the game, set an alarm on your phone or console to remind you to stop playing. This will help enforce a regular sleeping schedule and prevent you from staying up too late.

Another helpful tip is to limit your in-game activities before bed. Focus on simple tasks like watering your plants or organizing your inventory. Avoid anything that requires too much mental energy or high levels of concentration. Doing so will make it easier for your mind to relax and prepare for sleep.

No one enjoys struggling to fall asleep. And yet, many people continue to make the mistake of using electronics before bed. This includes playing games, checking social media, or watching television. The blue light emitted from electronic devices blocks the production of melatonin - the hormone that regulates sleep - making it harder for you to fall asleep. If you must play Animal Crossing before bed, use a blue light filter or wear blue light glasses to minimize the negative effects.

If you're still finding it difficult to log off of Animal Crossing despite your best efforts, consider setting up a support system. Talk to a friend or family member who enjoys the game and ask them to help hold you accountable for your playing schedule. Alternatively, join an online community where members share tips and tricks on balancing gameplay and real life.

Lastly, understand that it's okay to take a break from the game. Sometimes, all it takes is a few days of rest to reinvigorate your excitement for playing. Plus, stepping away from the game allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life.

In conclusion, there are ways to enjoy playing Animal Crossing without sacrificing your quality of sleep. Establish a bedtime routine, limit in-game activities before bed, use blue light filters, and set up a support system. And if all else fails, take a break. Your virtual island will still be waiting for you when you're ready.


Animal Crossing is a beloved game that has captured the hearts of many gamers for years now. The game revolves around living life in a peaceful village, catching fish and bugs, and making friends with your animal neighbors. With the new release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it's no surprise that people are spending hours on end playing this game. However, playing for too long can lead to sleepless nights and a disrupted sleep schedule. In this article, we'll provide you with some tips on how to sleep after playing Animal Crossing.

Why is it difficult to Sleep after playing Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing is a relaxing game with soft music, cute animals, and no real storyline for players to stress about. However, it is easy to lose track of time while playing and forget to take breaks. The game is addictive and players can quickly become engrossed for hours at a time. This can make it challenging to turn off the game and switch to sleep mode.

Tip #1: Set a Time Limit

One way to ensure that you get enough rest after playing Animal Crossing is to set a time limit for playing. Decide in advance how much time you want to spend on playing the game, and stick to it. For instance, if you started playing at 9 P.M., decide that you'll stop playing by 10 P.M. or 11 P.M. This does not have to be an exact time, simply a general guideline that works for your schedule.

Tip #2: Play Earlier in the Day

If you're someone who enjoys playing Animal Crossing for an extended period, it might be best to play earlier in the day. It's easier to transition from playing during the day to winding down and going to bed at night. If you decide to play Animal Crossing in the evening, make sure you have a few hours to unwind before going to sleep.

Tip #3: Avoid Playing in Bed

Playing Animal Crossing in bed can disrupt your sleep schedule as it can make it harder for your brain to switch off. Your bed should be associated with sleep and rest, so avoid playing the game while lying on your bed. It's better to have a designated space for games, like a chair or couch you can sit in while playing.

Tip #4: Use the Night Mode Feature

Much of the appeal of Animal Crossing comes from the beautiful scenery and bright colors. However, the blue light emitted by your console or device can cause disruptions to your sleep cycle. Some consoles come with a night mode feature that removes the blue light from the screen, making it easier on your eyes and reducing the risk of insomnia.

Tip #5: Take Breaks

It's important to take breaks while playing any video game, even one as relaxing as Animal Crossing. It's easy to get hyperfocused on the game and forget about your physical needs or time constraints. Stand up and stretch, move around, and give your eyes a break from staring at the screen. You'll feel more refreshed and have an easier time transitioning to sleep when you eventually stop playing.

Tip #6: Meditate Before Sleep

Meditating before bed is a fantastic method to help you unwind after a long day. Take a few minutes to meditate and clear your mind. Try some deep breathing exercises to calm your body and slow down your heart rate. This will assist in diminishing your thoughts of the game running in your mind and aid in a deeper sleep.

Tip #7: Consider These Gadgets to help you Sleep!

If all else fails, you can try some sleep gadgets to help you get a good night's rest. Sleep headphones and eye masks can assist in blocking out distractions, and smart lights can help you wind down before bed. Sound machines, such as white or pink noise, can also aid in promoting relaxing sleep.


Animal Crossing is an engrossing and enjoyable game that can keep you playing for hours on end. However, it is essential to take breaks, avoid playing in bed, limit screen time, and implement night mode settings to avoid disrupted sleep. By following these tips, you'll be able to continue enjoying the game and get some much-needed rest without sacrificing either.

Comparison: How To Sleep in Animal Crossing


Animal Crossing: New Horizons has taken the world by storm, captivating gamers across the globe with its adorable characters and engaging gameplay. Set on a deserted island paradise, you take on the role of a budding entrepreneur tasked with making the island thrive. With so much to do, it's easy to lose track of time and forget about sleeping. In this article, we'll compare some ways to sleep in Animal Crossing and give our opinion on each method.

Time Travel Trick

One way to make sure you get plenty of sleep is by using the time travel trick. By changing the clock on your Nintendo Switch, you can skip ahead to the next day and collect resources immediately. However, this method can have drawbacks in terms of gameplay progression, as some tasks and events only happen on certain days or seasons.


- Allows for quick resource collection- Can move the game along faster


- Can interfere with natural gameplay progression- Some events and tasks may be missed

Traditional Sleeping Method

The standard way to sleep in Animal Crossing is by returning to your character's home and interacting with their bed. This triggers a sequence where your character goes to bed, the screen fades to black, and you wake up the next day at a set time. It's simple, straightforward, and allows for seamless progression through the game.


- Easy and intuitive- Doesn't interfere with gameplay progression- Accurate simulation of real life sleep patterns


- Can be boring or repetitive after a while

The Campfire Nap

Another way to catch a few z's in Animal Crossing is by taking a nap by the campfire. This method is available once you've built the campsite and adds a little more flavor to your sleep routine. It can also be a nice change of pace if you're tired of using the bed.


- Adds flavor and variety to gameplay- More immersive than traditional sleeping- Can be a fun way to relax with friends in multiplayer mode


- Only available after building the campsite- Does not have as much functionality as standard sleeping

The Late-Night Fishing Method

One of the most popular ways to play Animal Crossing is by fishing. Some players like to fish at night to catch rare specimens or just enjoy the peaceful ambience. Because fishing takes place outdoors, it can be easy to lose track of time and forget to sleep. However, this method does allow for longer playtimes and adds an extra level of enjoyment to the game.


- Allows for longer playtimes- Can lead to catching rare fish- Adds another dimension of enjoyment to the game


- Can interfere with natural sleep patterns- May not be as effective for resource collection


A final way to sleep in Animal Crossing is by meditating. When one of your villagers teaches you the skill, you can sit on a cushion and enter a trance-like state, restoring your character's energy and focus. While it may not technically count as sleeping, it can be a useful tool for those who wish to take a break and unwind from the rigors of island life.


- Allows for quick energy restoration- A unique and welcome addition to gameplay


- Does not count as actual sleeping- Can interrupt the flow of gameplay if not used carefully


In conclusion, there are several ways to sleep in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, each with its own pros and cons. While there is no right way to sleep in the game, we believe that the traditional sleeping method is the most effective in terms of gameplay progression and simulating real life. However, all methods can be enjoyable and add a unique flavor to the game, so feel free to experiment and find the one that works best for you.

How to Sleep in Animal Crossing: A Guide for the Sleep-Deprived Villagers

The Importance of Sleeping in Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a life simulation video game where players become residents of a virtual village. One of the essential activities in this game is sleeping. Sleeping allows your character to rest soundly and wake up refreshed, but most importantly, it saves your game progress. Sleeping is an integral part of playing Animal Crossing, and knowing how to do it correctly can help make your gaming experience even more enjoyable.

Step 1: Locate Your Bed

Before going to sleep, you need to go home and locate your bed. You cannot sleep outside or on any item such as sofas and chairs. Once you're inside, locate your bed and stand directly in front of it.

Step 2: Interact with Your Bed

To sleep in Animal Crossing, interact with your bed by pressing the A button. Doing so will prompt your character to climb into bed. Once in bed, you can choose to save your game progress, turn off the game, or select Just Sleep to jump ahead to the next day in the game.

Step 3: Wait for Your Character to Sleep

When you select Just Sleep, your character falls asleep, and a new day in the game begins. While your character's asleep, the screen will darken, and a special sleeping animation will play. During this time, all the other villagers in the game will also sleep.

Step 4: Wake Up and Start a New Day

Once your character wakes up, you can start a new day by exploring your village, interacting with other villagers, and completing tasks or goals. Remember, sleeping at night guarantees that your character will wake up in the morning, ready to start a new day in Animal Crossing.

Tips for Better Sleeping in Animal Crossing

While sleeping is crucial in Animal Crossing, players may still have trouble sleeping due to various reasons such as stress and anxiety. Fortunately, there are tips to help you get better sleep in the game.

Tip 1: Keep Your Village Organized and Clean

Keeping your village clean and organized can help reduce stress levels. Make sure to maintain your garden, pick weeds, and arrange your furniture nicely. Creating a peaceful and relaxing environment may improve your character's sleep quality.

Tip 2: Avoid Eating Before Bed

Eating before bed might affect your character's sleep quality and make them feel restless throughout the night. Make sure to avoid eating or drinking anything before sleeping to ensure a sound and uninterrupted sleep.

Tip 3: Get Some Exercise During the Day

Getting enough exercise during the day can help increase your character's sleep quality. It can also help tire your character out so that they can sleep quickly and soundly.

Tip 4: Establish a Sleep Routine

Establishing a sleep routine in Animal Crossing can help improve overall sleep quality. Aim to sleep early and wake up early so that you can fully enjoy the village life in the game.


In conclusion, sleeping is an essential part of playing Animal Crossing. Players must learn how to sleep correctly, keep their village clean and organized, avoid eating before bed, get some exercise during the day, and establish a sleep routine. With these tips, players can have a fulfilling and fantastic gaming experience in the village.

How To Sleep Animal Crossing: A Guide to Getting a Good Night's Rest in the Game

Animal Crossing is a game that can be played for hours at a time. With its seemingly endless possibilities, it's easy to get caught up in the game and lose track of time. However, it's important to take breaks and get some rest. In this article, we'll cover how to sleep in Animal Crossing and make sure you get a good night's sleep in the game.

Firstly, it's important to note that the game runs on real-time. This means that the time in the game corresponds to the real world time. So, if it's nighttime in real life, it will also be nighttime in the game. This is important to keep in mind when planning your gameplay and sleep schedule.

To ensure that you get a good night's sleep, it's important to have a comfortable bed. In Animal Crossing, there are several options for beds which come in different styles and sizes. It's recommended to choose a cozy bed that fits your character's size and personality. Once you have a bed, you can interact with it to go to sleep.

Another factor that affects your sleep in Animal Crossing is your environment. If your character is sleeping in an uncomfortable or noisy place, their sleep quality will be affected. It's recommended to decorate your bedroom with calming and relaxing items to create a peaceful environment. Some examples of items that promote good sleep include plushies, soft lighting, and wallpaper with a calming pattern.

It's also important to create a consistent sleep schedule for your character. Just like in real life, having a regular sleep routine can improve the quality of your sleep. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This will help your character feel well-rested and ready to take on the day.

One feature of Animal Crossing that can affect your character's sleep is the existence of nocturnal creatures. Some insects, fish, and other creatures can only be found at night. If you're an avid bug or fish collector, this might mean staying up late to catch them. However, it's important to balance your gameplay with getting enough sleep. If you find yourself staying up too late to catch creatures, consider adjusting your play schedule to avoid disrupting your sleep routine.

In addition to affecting your character's sleep quality, lack of sleep can also have negative effects on their health and well-being. They may become more prone to accidents and injuries, or their performance in daily tasks may suffer. It's important to prioritize sleep and make sure your character gets enough rest.

If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep in the game, there are a few things you can try. For example, you could listen to calming music or white noise to help you relax. You could also engage in a relaxing activity like reading a book or doing a puzzle before bed. These activities can help calm your mind and prepare you for sleep.

Finally, if you need to take a nap during the day, your character can lie down on a couch. Taking a quick nap can help improve your character's mood and energy levels, particularly if they didn't get enough sleep the night before.

In conclusion, getting good-quality sleep in Animal Crossing is essential for maintaining your character's health and wellbeing. By creating a comfortable sleep environment, following a consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding overly late nights, you'll be able to ensure that your character gets the rest they need. Sweet dreams and happy gaming!

People Also Ask How To Sleep Animal Crossing

How Do You Sleep in Animal Crossing?

To sleep in Animal Crossing, you need to go to your character's house and stand next to the bed. Press the A button, and your character will crawl into bed and fall asleep. The game will save your progress automatically before waking up in the morning.

Can You Sleep In Other Places Besides Your House?

No, you can only sleep in your house's bed in Animal Crossing. However, if you have a tent or sleeping bag, you can take a nap to restore your energy during the day.

Why Is Sleeping Important in Animal Crossing?

Sleeping is essential in Animal Crossing because it saves your progress and allows time to pass in the game. Many events and activities happen during specific times of day, so it's important to wake up early and get a head start on your daily tasks.

What Happens if You Don't Sleep in Animal Crossing?

If you don't sleep in Animal Crossing, your game won't save, and you'll lose any progress you made since the last time you slept. You'll also miss out on daily events and opportunities that only happen at specific times of day.

Can You Customize Your Bed in Animal Crossing?

Yes, you can customize your bed in Animal Crossing by purchasing different types of bed sheets, pillows, and other bedding materials. You can also customize your room's theme by changing the wallpaper, flooring, and furniture.

List of Actions to Sleep in Animal Crossing

To sleep in Animal Crossing:

  1. Head to your character's house
  2. Stand next to the bed
  3. Press the A button
  4. Your character will crawl into bed and fall asleep
  5. The game will save your progress automatically before waking up in the morning